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Does British Culture Have A Peadohilia Problem?

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You look at all these stories coming out of widespread child abuse in the entertainment industry, football, care homes, politics and any other institutions you can think of and how they were systematically covered up by the powers that be you have to wonder why it seems Britain has such a problem with institutionalised child abuse compared to other Western countries. Go a bit further back and look at the rampant child prostitution in the industrialised cities of the 19th and early 20th century and you have to start to wonder if it's some kind of problem with British culture.


Is it a problem unique to British culture or are we just getting better at bringing these things to light while in other Western nations it's still going on and not being reported?

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Yes i fancied plenty of 16 year olds when i was 16/17/18 but if you are a mature man who fancies 16 year olds then you aint right.....if you can drive along and see a girl in a school uniform and want

But in a way we DO have a problem because even ONE person who robs a child of their innocence and scars them mentally for their own sexual gratification in this country is a problem that needs erasing

Is it an illness or just these dirty low life b@@tards getting their sexual gratification at the expense of young innocent lifes, for me its a reason to bring back the death penalty, illness or deprav

I think General population percentage wise its probably no different to most western country's but it is a worry amount that have been allowed to put them selfs in power position to prey on the vulnerable.

Edited by kanny
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I would think it's rampant in all countries..

Yup,Britain doesnt stand alone amongst western countries as paedo-central,and amongst a couple of third world countries i can think of blighty wouldnt even register a blip on the size of their own paedo-radar.

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I can't think of another Western country that has had the same amount of huge child abuse scandals and coverups at all levels of society even involving a close personal friend of the Royal family and a former Prime Minister.


Obviously there's Third World shite holes that are even worse, that's why I said compared to other Western countries from the start...

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I can't think of another Western country that has had the same amount of huge child abuse scandals and coverups at all levels of society even involving a close personal friend of the Royal family and a former Prime Minister.


Obviously there's Third World shite holes that are even worse, that's why I said compared to other Western countries from the start...


Mainly it's historic....we HAD a problem but the current problem is perpetrated by muslims and blacks. That's not to say there are still white peados, there are but it's all changed.

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Football,care-homes,politics,media paedo scandals all covered up,along with however many pakistani grooming gangs covered up due to cultural sensitivity,its impossible to say which western country is pedo-central due to difficulty in getting stats,pedos dont adverstise,its secritive,UK isnt any worse than any other country in numbers,its a global disease,the fact that these cases are coming to prominence might actually mean we are a little more transparent than others,but its a problem everywhere so no,it most certainly isnt unique to british culture.

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I can't think of another Western country that has had the same amount of huge child abuse scandals and coverups at all levels of society even involving a close personal friend of the Royal family and a former Prime Minister.


Obviously there's Third World shite holes that are even worse, that's why I said compared to other Western countries from the start...

Mainly it's historic....we HAD a problem but the current problem is perpetrated by muslims and blacks. That's not to say there are still white peados, there are but it's all changed.

So what happened in the last 20 years or so that stopped us having a problem?

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But in a way we DO have a problem because even ONE person who robs a child of their innocence and scars them mentally for their own sexual gratification in this country is a problem that needs erasing.

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I can't think of another Western country that has had the same amount of huge child abuse scandals and coverups at all levels of society even involving a close personal friend of the Royal family and a former Prime Minister.

Obviously there's Third World shite holes that are even worse, that's why I said compared to other Western countries from the start...

Mainly it's historic....we HAD a problem but the current problem is perpetrated by muslims and blacks. That's not to say there are still white peados, there are but it's all changed.

So what happened in the last 20 years or so that stopped us having a problem?

so what about the Catholic Church? Bar the bbc it has been the biggest pedo ring in Ireland, even covering up the offending priest. It's just wrong, and it's been a British and Irish problem. Now it's coming from a religion who worship one
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I think the footballer thing has hit me the hardest ,its easy to see politicians ,celebrities or priests as belonging to a strange different world ,but football coach's are part of the working class ,ordinary people like me ,I know there has always been perverts of every class in society but ffs Peado rings and cover ups in footy ! Its worrying the extent of it .

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