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Footballers Getting Bummed

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I might be wrong, but I like to think I could tell if something was wrong with my kid if something like that had happened to him, whether he told me or not. Are the parents not in touch with their kids, or are the blinded by the possible stardom?

what if they were a willing participant and didn't know it was wrong until they were older. There's plenty of things parents don't know about their kids because they don't want them to know. Unless people have been in the position it's hard to tell what they would do. As for preventative measures and not allowing sleepovers the fact is a large percentage of kids are abused in their own homes by people they trust e.g. Family and friends. I haven't been in the position myself thank fcuk but there's plenty of cases in Ireland of kids coming home from church to tell there parents they were abused by a priest and their parents gave them a beating for making up lies about a pillar of society. Celebritys can accuse their victims of been money grabbers and turn society against them which makes them less likely to speak out.
Old Sticky Digits, the security guard at work has been referred to as a catholic priest
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There are countless people walking around ,carrying the burden of being sexually abused as children ,because of some of the attitudes I have heard on here ,they will carry that f***ing awful ,life dra

Feck me there are some real fecking hero's on this thread. FFS think, these were young kids who looked up to and trusted these fecking scum. It is a life sentence for some of them.   TC

Some of the attitudes on display in this thread go a long to explaining why these lads struggle with coming forward...





I do wonder what makes these people Wait 30 years before coming forward

What would you do if some old chester drilled your keister ?
I would of had to have been very young for me not to have done anything about it for 30 years


At the age 11 to 14 I would have fought back.....i wasn't the type to get bullied

That is why you would not have been one of the chosen few. But your so pig shit thick that you cannot see past your own fecking ego.



It has nothing to do with my ego....i don't blame them for saying nothing as a child but as fully grown men they did nothing


How many more children did these grown men allow to be abused by staying silent for all these years


Then suddenly theres an ever growing list coming out

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Having been involved in football for a very long time and seen the sense if achievement it can give to young kids, how it can give a little tiny tot of a kid self confidence where maybe it was lacking, seen the joy on their faces as they play a good game and go further and do better than they have done before.

I have coached kids for a few years now, have all my police clearances etc and yet things like this still make you question if it's safe to do as a man.


These dirty b*****ds spread a filth that infects and detracts from the whole culture of sport......it affects the poor victims most but it also has an affect on those associated with the game.


There's no simple solution,I'd tie them all to chairs,cover them in petrol and set them on fire, that sort of attitude combined with the paranoia it brings about's going to make decent people like yourself just want to stay away from helping out with kids sports.


We're a low trust society,and it's getting worse.

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sad state of afairs ,some strange folk about not just football the clergy have alot to answer for .i wonder just how many knew about what was /is going on and covered up ?.glad it didnt hapen to me i would have had to get my revenge but it may have cost me a life sentance ..

try and watch a movie called spotlight which came out last year,true story about a team of boston reporters who investigate a priest who molested/raped over 80 kids,it was hushed up by the church,but they uncovered a lot more than that one priest,it was endemic in the church,the movie is an eye opener.

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I do wonder what makes these people Wait 30 years before coming forward

What would you do if some old chester drilled your keister ?
I would of had to have been very young for me not to have done anything about it for 30 years


At the age 11 to 14 I would have fought back.....i wasn't the type to get bullied

That is why you would not have been one of the chosen few. But your so pig shit thick that you cannot see past your own fecking ego.



It has nothing to do with my ego....i don't blame them for saying nothing as a child but as fully grown men they did nothing


How many more children did these grown men allow to be abused by staying silent for all these years


Then suddenly theres an ever growing list coming out


"Nothing to do with my ego"

At the age 11 to 14 I would have fought back.....i wasn't the type to get bullied


FFS if that is not all about you what is?


If you have never been in the position that these young boys were in how the feck can you say how you would react. None of us have the right to judge them " There but for the grace of god go I" comes to mind. If you had been a victim of abuse, would you tell all and sundry that at 10 / 12 /14 years old you were raped by a man. It takes some balls to do that, because the attitudes of people is the one that you are spouting now.



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Its a mental thing Gnash ,they might have gone on to be professionals ,with the strong mindset that being a professional requires ,but to get revenge would be to acknowledge that it happened ,the very thing they struggled all their lives to repress .

Complicated emotions like guilt for allowing it to happen ,the doubt in third own masculinity and the burden of carrying what they perceive to be their own seedy little secret eventually take their toll .

Ta for explaining and it makes sense i suppose its just shocking to realise the purity and beauty we all see in sport ( well i do anyway ) can be so contaminated and dirty i tend to see sport as one of the few truly great areas of life where we build great relationships that quite often end up extending beyond sport....hearing all this is a bit of a kick in the bollocks quite frankly.

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sad state of afairs ,some strange folk about not just football the clergy have alot to answer for .i wonder just how many knew about what was /is going on and covered up ?.glad it didnt hapen to me i would have had to get my revenge but it may have cost me a life sentance ..

try and watch a movie called spotlight which came out last year,true story about a team of boston reporters who investigate a priest who molested/raped over 80 kids,it was hushed up by the church,but they uncovered a lot more than that one priest,it was endemic in the church,the movie is an eye opener.


im not atall suprized still going on today, they should be publcly floged within an inch of there lives, then castrated .

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This historical abuse seems to be sprouting up everywhere in all walks of life. Not one case, but hundreds. And that doesn't include the cases that will never surface. We are hearing of these ones because either the perpetrators or victims were or are famous, so how many times has it happened to the nameless by the nameless?


It's almost like it was the norm back then and not being abused was a lucky chance, rather than being unlucky to be a victim.


It's truly shocking to think how close a lot of us may have got to it ourselves.

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I do wonder what makes these people Wait 30 years before coming forward

What would you do if some old chester drilled your keister ?
I would of had to have been very young for me not to have done anything about it for 30 years


At the age 11 to 14 I would have fought back.....i wasn't the type to get bullied

With all due respect this discussion isn't really about you not being abused as a child is it and what you would have done in hindsight .


It's sad times with all these things coming out of the woodwork in recent years . But if it makes it less of a taboo subject and makes it harder for paedos and easier for victims to come forward and say what happened then it can't be anything but worth the pain for maybe a safer future for children .


Depressing that in this country the past seems to be so rife with crap like this happening . "The good old days" threads on here are awesome . That's what childhood should be , carefree enjoying being a kid before real life hits you like a sledgehammer and bills and real life is what occupies your thoughts . The thought that some poor kids go through those supposed great times with a massive weight on their minds and fear in the back of their mind pains me to the core. Revenge and retrebution aside (because we're all different) it's a tragic and sad loss of the carefree mind that those kids won't get back ever.

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This historical abuse seems to be sprouting up everywhere in all walks of life. Not one case, but hundreds. And that doesn't include the cases that will never surface. We are hearing of these ones because either the perpetrators or victims were or are famous, so how many times has it happened to the nameless by the nameless?


It's almost like it was the norm back then and not being abused was a lucky chance, rather than being unlucky to be a victim.


It's truly shocking to think how close a lot of us may have got to it ourselves.

Thats one of the other things i dont really get.....i can say hand on heart throughout years participating in sport and generally being around sports people ive not heard one single hint of kids/lads being tampered with....not even rumours about certain coaches/trainers etc.... growing up the only person i ever heard of who was generally known to be a paedo ( although that word wasnt even used back then ) was a screw in what was then called a detention centre and for whatever bizarre reason it was almost accepted that the weak boys coming in were going to get attention from him it was almost joked about shameful as it is to admit you just kept out of the c**ts way.....i just cant believe how much it seems to of been going on.

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Gnash, I think we are around the same age give or take a few years. I was brought up in a small mining village in Wales, even though I could not recognise it at the time, thinking back even when I was under 10 it was going on then so that is 50 odd years ago. Thinking back it sounds daft but it just seemed to be accepted, we were warned by our parents of people to keep away from, no reason given just told to stay away from them.



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I do wonder what makes these people Wait 30 years before coming forward

What would you do if some old chester drilled your keister ?
I would of had to have been very young for me not to have done anything about it for 30 years


At the age 11 to 14 I would have fought back.....i wasn't the type to get bullied

With all due respect this discussion isn't really about you not being abused as a child is it and what you would have done in hindsight .


It's sad times with all these things coming out of the woodwork in recent years . But if it makes it less of a taboo subject and makes it harder for paedos and easier for victims to come forward and say what happened then it can't be anything but worth the pain for maybe a safer future for children .


Depressing that in this country the past seems to be so rife with crap like this happening . "The good old days" threads on here are awesome . That's what childhood should be , carefree enjoying being a kid before real life hits you like a sledgehammer and bills and real life is what occupies your thoughts . The thought that some poor kids go through those supposed great times with a massive weight on their minds and fear in the back of their mind pains me to the core. Revenge and retrebution aside (because we're all different) it's a tragic and sad loss of the carefree mind that those kids won't get back ever.

I know its not about me I was answering someone asking what I would have done

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