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Footballers Getting Bummed

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Some people on here are complete dicks, failing to understand just because their a tough guy nutcase who don't take shit from anyone and would kill anyone who touched them . That some people are different , some are quiet and easyily manipulated and kept quiet.

Most on here don't care about this happening and are more interested in making sure their point of being a tough nut even as a kid is put forward .

Plenty of these tough guy nut case types got raped in jail off a certain notorious ex boxer,and he was a prolific rapist. Paedophiles pick on the weakest in society this man was attacking young men.Knew a couple of lads who he had unfortunately had a hold of and there lives were ruined after it,and these were young men being raped not kids. Truth is you would like to think you could fight them off but the reality is your more than likely going to end up a victim also.


yes he was notorious for raping young fellas. ive being told on a couple of occasions by men that were in the big house at the same time,

fxcking dirty bxstard.


who is this boxer

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There are countless people walking around ,carrying the burden of being sexually abused as children ,because of some of the attitudes I have heard on here ,they will carry that f***ing awful ,life dra

Feck me there are some real fecking hero's on this thread. FFS think, these were young kids who looked up to and trusted these fecking scum. It is a life sentence for some of them.   TC

Some of the attitudes on display in this thread go a long to explaining why these lads struggle with coming forward...




I don't think any of them were raped though or am I wrong about this.


I wonder how serious this actually was, I'm not saying he wasn't some wierdo but there's a bit of a difference to between rape and looks/touching


We had a right freak PE teacher at school, he would stand in the shower block watching everyone and put his arm across the exit so you had to duck under to get past. Everyone knew he was a paedo we would all run through as fast as possible. It wouldn't surprise at all me if he had messed with some of the other kids.

We had a teacher like that.....there was a song in the school about it being 5min games and 45mins in the showers

and yet no one did anything about it....it's quite unreal when you think about it. The parents must have knows and definitely the teachers!

He was a bloke in his 20s back then.......he's still there now he's the deputy headmaster


Probably all just rumours.....but who knows it was nearly 30 years ago

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The one good thing about all this legislation is SHOULD be harder for these nonces to get jobs round kids.


We had 2 at my school 1 was head of the lower school and 1 was head of the upper school.

We had one in our school music teacher she was.



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The one good thing about all this legislation is SHOULD be harder for these nonces to get jobs round kids.


We had 2 at my school 1 was head of the lower school and 1 was head of the upper school.

We had one in our school music teacher she was.





She? Now you're talking. :thumbs:

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Having been involved in football for a very long time and seen the sense if achievement it can give to young kids, how it can give a little tiny tot of a kid self confidence where maybe it was lacking, seen the joy on their faces as they play a good game and go further and do better than they have done before.

I have coached kids for a few years now, have all my police clearances etc and yet things like this still make you question if it's safe to do as a man.


These dirty b*****ds spread a filth that infects and detracts from the whole culture of sport......it affects the poor victims most but it also has an affect on those associated with the game.

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Having been involved in football for a very long time and seen the sense if achievement it can give to young kids, how it can give a little tiny tot of a kid self confidence where maybe it was lacking, seen the joy on their faces as they play a good game and go further and do better than they have done before.

I have coached kids for a few years now, have all my police clearances etc and yet things like this still make you question if it's safe to do as a man.


These dirty b*****ds spread a filth that infects and detracts from the whole culture of sport......it affects the poor victims most but it also has an affect on those associated with the game.


It's not just sport. There's lots of things kids do that need adult supervision and the adult who does that nowadays seems to get sideways glances because of the c**ts who do it for their own personal gratification.

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I do wonder what makes these people Wait 30 years before coming forward

What would you do if some old chester drilled your keister ?

I would of had to have been very young for me not to have done anything about it for 30 years


At the age 11 to 14 I would have fought back.....i wasn't the type to get bullied

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I do wonder what makes these people Wait 30 years before coming forward

What would you do if some old chester drilled your keister ?

I would of had to have been very young for me not to have done anything about it for 30 years


At the age 11 to 14 I would have fought back.....i wasn't the type to get bullied


That is why you would not have been one of the chosen few. But your so pig shit thick that you cannot see past your own fecking ego.



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sad state of afairs ,some strange folk about not just football the clergy have alot to answer for .i wonder just how many knew about what was /is going on and covered up ?.glad it didnt hapen to me i would have had to get my revenge but it may have cost me a life sentance ..

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I do wonder what makes these people Wait 30 years before coming forward


What would you do if some old chester drilled your keister ?

I would of had to have been very young for me not to have done anything about it for 30 years

At the age 11 to 14 I would have fought back.....i wasn't the type to get bullied

That is why you would not have been one of the chosen few. But your so pig shit thick that you cannot see past your own fecking ego.



A bit subtle for some that tc....

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