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Footballers Getting Bummed

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let's say a spider scares you as a kid chances are even if you grow up to be a ard man you will still be scared of spiders ...all this about they should sort out these pedos themselves is nonsense it just don't work like that ...the body may be strong but the will always have weaknesses even more so when its experience the kind of trauma theses kids did.


speaking from experience.?
Nope thankfully I was one of the lucky few who survived the 70s without getting bummed. ...it's just common sense ain't it?
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There are countless people walking around ,carrying the burden of being sexually abused as children ,because of some of the attitudes I have heard on here ,they will carry that f***ing awful ,life dra

Feck me there are some real fecking hero's on this thread. FFS think, these were young kids who looked up to and trusted these fecking scum. It is a life sentence for some of them.   TC

Some of the attitudes on display in this thread go a long to explaining why these lads struggle with coming forward...

I might be wrong, but I like to think I could tell if something was wrong with my kid if something like that had happened to him, whether he told me or not. Are the parents not in touch with their kids, or are the blinded by the possible stardom?

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An 8-12 year old boy has no chance against a grown man,then there is the fear/trauma and shame of it happening to them that locks things away in the back of the mind. Loads of cases like this the Police know more victims will come forward once they know the perpetrators are in jail and the victims feel safer to come forward and speak out.

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There are countless people walking around ,carrying the burden of being sexually abused as children ,because of some of the attitudes I have heard on here ,they will carry that f***ing awful ,life draining secret to their grave and never know the cathartic relief that telling someone will give them ,its a soul destroying thing to carry around that gets harder the longer it goes on .

Parents ,friends and family ,no matter how close won't spot it ,and male footballers ,whether rich ,or macho are as susceptible to it as the rest of us.

I have heard Gary speed was coached by this man ,....makes you think .

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Probably the trauma ya div....

Children are abused everyday and they tell someone that's why the jails are full of pedos


But for some reason theres a growing list of footballers who never said a word for 30 years

Different times we live in now (thank fcuk).

Pretty surprised at the level of cynicism in some posts. Imagine as a man having to admit that you were raped..., and then have people not believe you. I don't know why it takes this horror so long to surface but I don't buy the idea that these footballers.., or Savile's victims, are making this stuff up to try and earn money.

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I might be wrong, but I like to think I could tell if something was wrong with my kid if something like that had happened to him, whether he told me or not. Are the parents not in touch with their kids, or are the blinded by the possible stardom?

what if they were a willing participant and didn't know it was wrong until they were older. There's plenty of things parents don't know about their kids because they don't want them to know. Unless people have been in the position it's hard to tell what they would do. As for preventative measures and not allowing sleepovers the fact is a large percentage of kids are abused in their own homes by people they trust e.g. Family and friends. I haven't been in the position myself thank fcuk but there's plenty of cases in Ireland of kids coming home from church to tell there parents they were abused by a priest and their parents gave them a beating for making up lies about a pillar of society. Celebritys can accuse their victims of been money grabbers and turn society against them which makes them less likely to speak out.
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There are countless people walking around ,carrying the burden of being sexually abused as children ,because of some of the attitudes I have heard on here ,they will carry that f***ing awful ,life draining secret to their grave and never know the cathartic relief that telling someone will give them ,its a soul destroying thing to carry around that gets harder the longer it goes on .

Parents ,friends and family ,no matter how close won't spot it ,and male footballers ,whether rich ,or macho are as susceptible to it as the rest of us.

I have heard Gary speed was coached by this man ,....makes you think .

Thats fair enough i can appreciate that....but why now ?.....what would cause a sudden wave of similar aged men who have led similar lives to all release that burden at the same time on the same subject. ?


I dont pretend to be an expert child psychologist like some of the idiots on here stamping their feet it genuinely puzzles me and id like to understand it as i imagine a lot of people would,especially those like me who spent a lot of years growing up around sporting boys and sporting coaches/trainers etc.

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The sad fact of all these victims is they will not get any real justice, we live in a society where they will be protected in prison serve a couple of years and out to carry on where they left off, they should be castrated first time hanged second time no need to worry about third time.

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Some strange attitudes, I think a lot of men are very uncomfortable talking about or accepting vulnerabilities.

As for being left alone....it happens. I remember being alone with quite a few adults as a young kid......a day out at the circus with an african kitchen porter, a day at a theme park with a Chinese builder.......left to go hunting with various men. Anything could of happened! But I was fine...........but if something had happened, who knows how I would of dealt with it.


You just can't speculate about such feelings imo.

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It always starts with one coming forward ,I imagine that gives others the strength to open up ,but I am certain that for every man that steps forward ,there will be another poor f****r who just can't do it and continues to live the miserable half life that abuse condemns them to .

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Gnasher Andy Woodward came out & the others have said watching him stand up gave them the strength to come forward as well , Steve Walters said when he told his wife ect he felt after decades a weight was lifted off his shoulders , these lads are scared mentally it's written across there faces , I hope they can have some normality in there lives now , they get my utmost respect .

20yrs ago a neighbour of mine had a turbulent relationship with his mrs , on & off regulary , I knew this bloke well , anyway I once said to my mrs "Him & her have an up & down relationship but he's great with his kids" . . How wrong could I have been . . He was jailed for 15yrs for raping his sons & daughters !!

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When I was about maybe 14 or 15 I was at a house party. A bunch of the girls we ran around with got a bit pissed and emotional and locked themselves in a room. Everyone just thought they'd had a bit too much cider.

Years later I got talking to one of the girls and she told me that one girl had blurted out that she'd been raped by her brother.., then another broke down and said she'd been abused by a uncle..., then another girl the same. Turns out that half the girls in the room had been abused. I was shocked..., but even more so to find out none had reported the abuse, and to my knowledge never have. These were all girls from decent homes and the parents apparently never knew.

Who knows why victims bury this stuff but I think that the shame must just outweigh the desire for justice, but maybe seeing one person confront it and be believed gives them the courage to tell people whats gone on and try and get the beast named and shamed.

Edited by pesky1972
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