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Footballers Getting Bummed

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Was a bloke on the news saying his grandson is mad keen on football and was going to join a club but now his mother is having second thoughts about it :no: it will be a real tragedy if these disgusting nonces make parents keep their kids away from sport in the future

now is probably the safest time to get into football

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There are countless people walking around ,carrying the burden of being sexually abused as children ,because of some of the attitudes I have heard on here ,they will carry that f***ing awful ,life dra

Feck me there are some real fecking hero's on this thread. FFS think, these were young kids who looked up to and trusted these fecking scum. It is a life sentence for some of them.   TC

Some of the attitudes on display in this thread go a long to explaining why these lads struggle with coming forward...



I can understand sick individuals that have fcuked up tendencies that need to be put to sleep but what I can't understand is how a peadophile ring starts or gang rapes for that matter. In what fcuked up group of mates does the first one step forward and say let's rape a child and others agree that person would be strung up in my company but obviously when they test the water some people are up for it or pass it as joking but that's the part I can't get my head around is the group thing. We were having a conversation in my own local one day and the barman and well respected owner named out 8 out of the 10 most prominent child molesters from the town and he told me 8 of them were either close family or 1st or 2nd cousins,nephews etc. It would make your skin crawl and goose bumps rise when he went through it all and said it's definitely inherited and in the blood.

I agree with you when it becomes acceptable to a group I find it even more abhorrent. I don't mean to steer this to only islam as it is sick no matter who is the perpetrator but when you have things like taharush, where strangers can meet up and agree to molest, rape, etc or where a crowd can suddenly turn on a woman like the blonde reporter in Egypt or the refugees new year 'celebrations' in Germany really makes me think Islam is a sick cancer in society. I know muslims are not the only nonces around but I don't know any other group where strangers can meet up and agree to gang rape or molest juveniles. Especially when it happens in so many different parts of the world with same religious group. And what is our governments response? Bring more in! Be understanding of their cultural beliefs, give them welfare! WTF!!! We are all fools!
I don't think it's mainly Muslims . The people involved in this are white British men .
I know that, I went off topic, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
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