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Footballers Getting Bummed

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There are countless people walking around ,carrying the burden of being sexually abused as children ,because of some of the attitudes I have heard on here ,they will carry that f***ing awful ,life dra

Feck me there are some real fecking hero's on this thread. FFS think, these were young kids who looked up to and trusted these fecking scum. It is a life sentence for some of them.   TC

Some of the attitudes on display in this thread go a long to explaining why these lads struggle with coming forward...

I do wonder what makes these people Wait 30 years before coming forward

I would say it's the stigma, unless you have been through it we will never realise the hold these people have over a victim.



Edited by Tiercel
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Would you be as flippant if it had been 11year old girls that had been raped?

from watching it on the box, were young 8-12 year old boy's that were abused , hardly gay footballers !! young lads been took advantage of by sick bullies . my self i would want revenge on these twats , and prob would have had go at them quite few years back . it would eat away at me if let it go, more so knowing there still involved with football, or what ever work they were in, but we all different aren't we, some want to forget about it, and get on with there lives, which is up to them . :yes:

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I do wonder what makes these people Wait 30 years before coming forward


I would say it's the stigma, unless you have been through it we will never realise the hold these people have over a victim.



My sisters boyfriends son was abused from the age of 14,a very respectable guy from weybridge masquerading as a part time football coach,great job,good family,no one ever suspected him of molesting boys,I couldn't figure out why he got away with it for so long,my sis spoke to the kid,he said he felt ashamed confused and thought no one would believe him,the perpetrator was sentenced to 14 years with the recommendation he serves at least 9,pity he didn't get a rope,he left a number of kids mentally scarred.
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I do wonder what makes these people Wait 30 years before coming forward

Got to agree......what makes people decide to come out with these things all of a sudden and all at the same time.....the cynical side of me wonders if its anything to do with the millions of pounds floating around the sport....likewise the post Jimmy Saville " historical crimes " era ?......who knows.....but where does it stop i mean whats to stop any one of us piping up now and trying to get the old pe treacher we didnt like into bother ?


Part of me thinks if a crime isnt reported at the time it happens then it has to be put to bed permanently.

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let's say a spider scares you as a kid chances are even if you grow up to be a ard man you will still be scared of spiders ...all this about they should sort out these pedos themselves is nonsense it just don't work like that ...the body may be strong but the mind will always have weaknesses even more so when its experience the kind of trauma theses kids did.

Edited by kanny
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let's say a spider scares you as a kid chances are even if you grow up to be a ard man you will still be scared of spiders ...all this about they should sort out these pedos themselves is nonsense it just don't work like that ...the body may be strong but the will always have weaknesses even more so when its experience the kind of trauma theses kids did.

speaking from experience.?

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It is strange they keep quiet for yrs.

Then appear on tv saying they been abused an openly talking a about it.

Im sure gmtv or the likes would be paying them a few grand to come on the show and talk.

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I do wonder what makes these people Wait 30 years before coming forward

That's the trouble,some of these assaults were reported and as usual in Saville style the people that should have been protecting these kids did nothing and swept it under the carpet allowing more young people to be abused. Let's hope this time there is a thorough investigation instead of letting the perpetrators die from natural causes.

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let's say a spider scares you as a kid chances are even if you grow up to be a ard man you will still be scared of spiders ...all this about they should sort out these pedos themselves is nonsense it just don't work like that ...the body may be strong but the mind will always have weaknesses even more so when its experience the kind of trauma theses kids did.

Good reply Kanny, as much as we think why after so long, the reality is that young boys would rather block it out than face it, especially through teenage years and twentys. Only now with maturity does the reallity hit home for them.

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let's say a spider scares you as a kid chances are even if you grow up to be a ard man you will still be scared of spiders ...all this about they should sort out these pedos themselves is nonsense it just don't work like that ...the body may be strong but the will always have weaknesses even more so when its experience the kind of trauma theses kids did.


speaking from experience.?
What sort of post is that.

You ginger prick.

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