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This Years Secret Santa.

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I'm a branch manager for a national retailer. As always, at this time of year, we look forward to the Christmas do (piss up :thumbs:) and Secret Santa.


My staff all know that I enjoy hunting. They're no longer shocked by finding a rabbit or pigeon next to the milk in the fridge when they get to work in the morning :laugh:


We've got a varied mix of people at work - mums, blokes, lads, semi-retired. But, no one else that's into any kind of field sports so, this year, I decided to buy everyone a present :)


I found these little metal cattys on Amazon - they're only a few quid each, they come with 2 different bandsets and, a nice velvet bag to keep them in.


I don't expect these to last for ever but, if they can pique a little interest I'll be happy.

I thought they'd be a good intro as they'll be able to use them at home to practice and, if they progress, stick them in their pockets when they walk the dog ;)


Who knows, a couple of them may even learn that good food isn't born in Tesco :thumbs:


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FairPlay to you mate that's a really nice gesture and I,m sorry if I,m pissing on your fire, but that looks like a catty from China sold for a few quid, they are sold as stainless steel but are infact a really cheap alloy and have a nasty habit of snapping and hitting the person firing it straight in the face, gamekeeper John has done a few vids on YouTube about them and there was a lad just last week on there that had had a serious smack in the mouth from one, so if you are going to dish them out get some safety goggles or a load of disclaimers for the staff to sign before they can have one, once again sorry to ruin a great idea, but forewarned is forearmed

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No need to apologise mate - I appreciate the warning.


They were only a few quid each and, I'm pretty sure they're Chinese. They're definitely cast - not stainless steel.


I was planning on giving everyone 'the chat' about what a catty is capable of and the damage that they can do - I'll warn them about the forks.

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