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What about number 5


The lad who's desperate to be a legendary dog man, comes on thl not knowing jack and 3 months later is handing out advice like he's talking to children (most of whom are probably older than him), and giving it big licks. Always talking about how much gear he caught last time he was out without you but who's dog you've never seen catch anything when you're out with them.....


Seen to be lots like that from having a wee read around.

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I just enjoy my dogs I'd pretty much say every dog has a fault some where! I have a standard in my head my mutts must meet but other than that I'm not out to have the best dogs or be the best I don't

I'm number 4 lol..A part time has been who's enjoyed the ride along the way..Been fortunate to own one or two handy jukels over the years..Now that I have long lost the ego to have/want & need of

What about number 5   The lad who's desperate to be a legendary dog man, comes on thl not knowing jack and 3 months later is handing out advice like he's talking to children (most of whom are probab

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  On 29/12/2016 at 18:39, Phil Lloyd said:


  On 29/12/2016 at 16:10, Neal said:

Unfortunately I'm stuck at 3 but I'm trying really hard to be a 1 so that I can become a 2! :yes:


I am on,..No 10 ....and,...who gives a feck... :laugh::laugh::laugh:


I'm just glad someone realised I was joking...I was worried, after posting it, that someone might think I was serious! :D

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I'm number 4 lol..A part time has been who's enjoyed the ride along the way..Been fortunate to own one or two handy jukels over the years..Now that I have long lost the ego to have/want & need of a top drawer canine I'm content with the pot lickers I now have here at home,we just do what we do in a kind of semi-retired way,I don't really care if I never ever catch anything again,I just enjoy walking out with a pooch & what will be will be..All the best fellow hunters ?post-35225-0-32614600-1483111168_thumb.jpg

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I think anyone who's been in the game a long time would be 1 and 3, I have an 11 year old he has seen only a couple come and go but he's still here. When younger the grass was always greener and the next fad cross would be all the rage.


I have been a 1and am now a 3, never been a number two but have met only a couple in my time.

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I'm a number 4....... Sodding useless mutts that have got me into more trouble than I care to mention and the Mrs treats em like royalty....

But I suppose they are here now so they may aswell stay around the place .

I could replace em but I'd probably get the same!


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Wouldn't like to quess my number I enjoy my own company theses days and i enjoy seeing wildlife has much as hunting it a catch is a bonus a good walk daytime seems the way I'm going now less hassle and actually watching a dog work for its run seems to be my thing now

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