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Least Favourite Food

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For all you celery lovers...........I chucked a bit in with last nights venison stew ;-)  

a fecking treat,would hate to see what you got when you played up.

They do smaller white chocolate ones if you want to get the wife one

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i cant stand the " i dont like tomatoes" then they cover their chips in tommy sauce , and the" i dont like eggs" but they eat omlettes fkn wierdos , the other lot that gets me are the fat ockers with a mountain of sweets crisps snacks in the queue in the garage holding on to a can of diet coke ,, proper wierdos

Edited by green lurchers
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Eggs, can't stand whatever way they are cooked, but I'm ok with egg and bacon pie, quiche but tried but just can't stand them which mostly gets me as I think they just finish a fry up off nice.

Mum and Dad sat me down when I was about 10 and told me none of us are leaving the table until I eat eggs, 3 hours later they gave up, still gets talked about 30 years later which apart from the kids is probably the biggest legacy I will leave.


Also don't like tomatoes but don't mind tomato sauce, doesn't bother me being a weirdo !!

Edited by Paulnix
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  On 30/11/2016 at 11:23, walshie said:


  On 30/11/2016 at 10:51, Lenmcharristar said:



  On 30/11/2016 at 10:48, walshie said:


Not keen on greens. Smell and taste like farts to me. Sprouts being the worst.




soft boiled sprouts with butter and white pepper are delicious

Oh no they're not! :no:

shred your sprouts and fry in butter with some bacon lardons there a totally different beast :thumbs: but just boiled is fine for me....gotta say they have to be UK sprouts and with this cold snap there going to be beautiful and sweet. Edited by kanny
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  On 30/11/2016 at 12:39, Paulnix said:

Also don't like spicy stuff like curry or foreign mucked up food, not a fan of fish and yet always claim I'm not a fussy eater....i adore all the things you dislike lol

i adore all the things you dislike paul , youd be the one person i,d be happy sitting next to at a table lol

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I think a lot of this dislike comes from the fact if you are over 40 your mother probably cooked things to death... Liver being a prime example by the time mum had finished with it it was worse than boot leather!... But we know a bit more these days on how to treat food so it's worth putting a bit of effort in you might be surprised.

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Theres only 2 things i cant abide thats liver and a Fray Bentos pie........back me into a corner with a Fray Bentos pie in your hand and i,ll give you anything you want :bad: ............and liver with all that elastic band shit running through it double :bad:

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  On 30/11/2016 at 13:01, kanny said:

I think a lot of this dislike comes from the fact if you are over 40 your mother probably cooked things to death... Liver being a prime example by the time mum had finished with it it was worse than boot leather!... But we know a bit more these days on how to treat food so it's worth putting a bit of effort in you might be surprised.

Yeh my mum like to make sure things were proper dead.....


Liver was like another food when I discovered how it should be ;-)


I also used to have a bad habit of saying I didn't like something I'd never actually tried...haha

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  On 30/11/2016 at 13:02, gnasher16 said:

Theres only 2 things i cant abide thats liver and a Fray Bentos pie........back me into a corner with a Fray Bentos pie in your hand and i,ll give you anything you want :bad: ............and liver with all that elastic band shit running through it double :bad:

I'm with you on the liver thing ... but a fray bentos pie I can eat breakfast dinner tea anytime fukcing delicious ... when I've finished I spend about a half hour with the prongs of the fork scraping out the very last bit .... mmmmmmmm

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  On 30/11/2016 at 13:32, Nik_B said:

At least no one has admitted to cutting their crusts off or not liking the white of an egg so far :D

A friend of mine I worked with was still having his wife cut the crusts of his sandwiches. When I took the piss he said "you trying to tell me they taste the same as the white bit.....?" Haha

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  On 30/11/2016 at 13:36, Accip74 said:


  On 30/11/2016 at 13:32, Nik_B said:

At least no one has admitted to cutting their crusts off or not liking the white of an egg so far :D

A friend of mine I worked with was still having his wife cut the crusts of his sandwiches. When I took the piss he said "you trying to tell me they taste the same as the white bit.....?" Haha



There is no hope for humanity when grown men are cutting their crusts off lol

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