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Least Favourite Food

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For all you celery lovers...........I chucked a bit in with last nights venison stew ;-)  

a fecking treat,would hate to see what you got when you played up.

They do smaller white chocolate ones if you want to get the wife one

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Just Celery, but even that I can eat in a soup.

Any 'texture gays' on here? They usually can't eat stuff like mushrooms and aubergine.


The worst type are those trying to pass childhood food hang-ups off as 'food allergies' haha....

My daughter in law was at a birthday party with one of my grandchildren, last year. Some cakes or some such were passed around, and one of the young mums asked if there were nuts in them.

She was, naturally, asked if her child was allergic - she replied "We don't know, but we don't want to take any chances...."


I mate of mine you used come round my house for dinner for many years & he claimed an 'intolerance' to peppers & broccoli (we eat a lot of them in our house)......when I got to the bottom of it....they just made him burp a bit! Ffs

In my experience a lot of people with some 'food intolerance' have all kinds of other issues.....

I don't doubt that for a minute lol


In our parents house if you didn't like what you got and said so the other two brothers would dive in to your plate and take all your food. If you got hungry later it was bread and butter....no biscuit barrel or snacks in that household lol


The only think I hate is processed food but for good reasons, they're full of sh*t, salt and sugar, I like good quality meat, fish and veg :)

I have to make a confession here.........I was the worst fussy f****r up to my early twenties, my mum made separate dinners for me as a kid, I would dread going anywhere for dinner! Blah blah....

I got over it one night out on the piss........I braved a curry! Since then I never looked back & I'm now 'fussy fcuker intolerant' haha....

I'm with you on the processed garbage........I can also be a food snob, which I used to hate also.....;-)

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Just Celery, but even that I can eat in a soup.

Any 'texture gays' on here? They usually can't eat stuff like mushrooms and aubergine.

The worst type are those trying to pass childhood food hang-ups off as 'food allergies' haha....

My daughter in law was at a birthday party with one of my grandchildren, last year. Some cakes or some such were passed around, and one of the young mums asked if there were nuts in them.

She was, naturally, asked if her child was allergic - she replied "We don't know, but we don't want to take any chances...."


I mate of mine you used come round my house for dinner for many years & he claimed an 'intolerance' to peppers & broccoli (we eat a lot of them in our house)......when I got to the bottom of it....they just made him burp a bit! Ffs

In my experience a lot of people with some 'food intolerance' have all kinds of other issues.....

I don't doubt that for a minute lol


In our parents house if you didn't like what you got and said so the other two brothers would dive in to your plate and take all your food. If you got hungry later it was bread and butter....no biscuit barrel or snacks in that household lol


The only think I hate is processed food but for good reasons, they're full of sh*t, salt and sugar, I like good quality meat, fish and veg :)

I have to make a confession here.........I was the worst fussy f****r up to my early twenties, my mum made separate dinners for me as a kid, I would dread going anywhere for dinner! Blah blah....

I got over it one night out on the piss........I braved a curry! Since then I never looked back & I'm now 'fussy fcuker intolerant' haha....

I'm with you on the processed garbage........I can also be a food snob, which I used to hate also.....;-)


I was the same as a kid i used to go through the dinner and take what i didnt like out of it which was most of the dinner my da used to say i was doing a post mortom on it.

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Celery who the fuk invented that shit ......working in Asia I've seen some sites ....I'm in rural Thailand at the moment and everything is either hot or o ya fuker that's hot .

I remember years ago I was in Philippines right out in the middle of no where and we used to drink at this bush bar ...this bird came in and took a shine to me she had a wee blue carrier bag I asked her what was in. It ...she said Balut...it was duck eggs with fermented baby duck in it ...she cracked one open and eat it and the smell was horrific ....there was a green slime in the shell and she gulped that down ....i can stomach most things but that made me boak.....I could smell it on her breathe all night ....banged fuk out of her later but never kissed her

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