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I do like chicken liver, we used to get it for breakfast when I was in Saudi....put on a good few pounds though so I imagine they're high in calories?


After the total filth we had to eat in some places nothing bothers me. We used to get tiffin tins delivered with veg that was over cooked and cold, meat that looked like shoe leather it was absolutely disgusting. The most prized possession out there other than good coffee or chocolate was chilli sauce or Tabasco because enough of it would mask the taste. The 'lamb' which was probably mutton was so strong that I couldn't eat lamb for several years.

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For all you celery lovers...........I chucked a bit in with last nights venison stew ;-)  

a fecking treat,would hate to see what you got when you played up.

They do smaller white chocolate ones if you want to get the wife one

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i cant stand the " i dont like tomatoes" then they cover their chips in tommy sauce , and the" i dont like eggs" but they eat omlettes fkn wierdos , the other lot that gets me are the fat ockers with a mountain of sweets crisps snacks in the queue in the garage holding on to a can of diet coke ,, proper wierdos

i cant stand the " i dont like tomatoes" then they cover their chips in tommy sauce , and the" i dont like eggs" but they eat omlettes fkn wierdos , the other lot that gets me are the fat ockers with a mountain of sweets crisps snacks in the queue in the garage holding on to a can of diet coke ,, proper wierdos

i love eggs but they don't like me, the fecking pain is horrendous
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Celery who the fuk invented that shit ......working in Asia I've seen some sites ....I'm in rural Thailand at the moment and everything is either hot or o ya fuker that's hot .

I remember years ago I was in Philippines right out in the middle of no where and we used to drink at this bush bar ...this bird came in and took a shine to me she had a wee blue carrier bag I asked her what was in. It ...she said Balut...it was duck eggs with fermented baby duck in it ...she cracked one open and eat it and the smell was horrific ....there was a green slime in the shell and she gulped that down ....i can stomach most things but that made me boak.....I could smell it on her breathe all night ....banged fuk out of her later but never kissed her

Sacrilege,balut is great,the green slime in with the crunchy bones of the duck embryo are really savoury,try it sometime,mind you one of my mates once vomited like a dog after taking a little bite.
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Tripe in vinegar is ok,it used to be a treat for us when we were kids.


a fecking treat,would hate to see what you got when you played up.
Food was a treat back then mate,bland diet,my mam wasn't the best of cooks,anything that broke the monotony of beans and chips or egg and chips was a'la'carte.
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Kebab meat.. smells like sweaty fecking piss flaps..

Have to say a very occasional dirty kebab is one of my guilty pressures but there has to be lots of drink involved lol
Could eat one now and I've not drank since 5 th September.

An what's wrong with the smell. You know your about to enjoy yourself lol

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