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Is There A Cure ?????

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I bought another gun cabinet for 6 guns the other week so I could keep my guns downstairs and my wife's gun and a friend's gun upstairs out of the way plus I have another shotty in the RFD up for sale so things were getting a little tight.


I think I have what is known as'musthaveagunitis' but is there a cure, my god I find myself planning for what I am going to get next year, thank god my state pension kicks in on New Years Day.............................65, who wud av thunk it..................





Oh sod it, you only live once or do we !!!!





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Liking the hatsan semi mate , but what's the 2 o/u ?

Your the same as moxey , a friggin collectamaina !


I think you might be right there David.


The gun at the top is a Berretta DT10,32'' sporter without the extended chokes in.

Next one down is a gun I suspect you have never heard of called a Redolfi EOS 30'' sporter. It is an Italian gun maker who for years made high grade guns and barrels for other makers but have now made guns in their own name, superb gun, very fast handling, my wife's pride and joy.



Edited by philpot
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Drooling here Phil,


" lovely collection" :good:


Whenever I see a number of guns owned by one person, including myself, ( two shot guns, four air rifles) I think of that famous saying of Geoff`s ( head game keeper) I used to help out as a teenager onwards.



" Aye lad,- always beware of one man, with one gun"

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Do you mean me David, if so I'm Phil, not John but if you are asking me, then here they are imported from Malmo Guns





The one in the photo is centre bottom




Edited by philpot
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