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New Rescue Bird New Falconer

Ian smith

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Hi just joined the group and would like to say hi and to pick the brains of what I can see are some very good guys .will start off with saying that I need help .I have had been thinking of getting bop for quite some number of years but work and time always stopped me I have been out on the hunt with friends a number of times and

have helped out with the birds where I can but resently [BANNED TEXT] working at a house I found a big fhh that was being mistreated she had no water and what looked like a years supply ov bones and shit on the floor long story I no but in the end I couldn't walk away so with some cash perswaded the owner to let me take her back I could not leave her there it was wild very it took my mate a guy that has had hh for over ten years a good ten mins to catch her and put her in the travle box I have built her a not to bad temporary mews in the garage and put her on a bow perch and spent a few days with her I have managed to get a weight and she is 2lb 15.5 Oz a big bird and very lively but what I really wanted to no is how to I get her to a flying wait not noting anything about her or I don't want to reduce food to quick has to make things worse that way plz any help would be appreciated my friend helps out loads but I have read that many difrent things I am at a loss to what is right hope you guys don't mind and any help will be greatly appreciated sorry for the bad spelling not to good with that thanks all ian

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Hi pal


There are different views on how to reduce a hawks weight - the process is called enseaming BTW.


For a hawk the size of a female HH that is kept tethered on a perch,


I personally will fast the bird for a day or 2 before doing anything with it if its at such a high weight.

I would feed it a low quality diet of rabbit and DOCs.

Once she will feed off the fist give it plenty of tirings whilst manning it and feed every day.

At such a weight, she will take a while to get down to a decent weight.

Don't rush it.

The good thing about HHs is they tend to be fairly tame and will do some work at a fattish weight,

ie get her to jump to the fist for her food and then extend the distance until she is on the creance.


If I were you mate, I would start reading some good books on the subject.

They are not too expensive and can make a good Xmas present to yourself.

You bought the hawk so its up to you to find out all you can about her management and meeting her needs.

All advice is difficult to give as I can't see the hawk and its surroundings.


All the best.


PS. You will need to invest in a fairly large amount of equipment, with telemetry being the biggest cost.

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Hi David yes I did now that to be fair I was just looking at how other people would do it with a bird that they new nothing about and was wondering if any body would worry about diet and and stuff like that .and yes I no I spent a great deal ov money already on all sorts and telemetry is on the way lol .I have bean doing some digging in to the back ground of the bird and found out that she is name beauty and was born in Derbyshire in 2003 and that the guy lied about its age and how long it has bean free lofted for I have bean working with her none stop and she is doing OK but not what I would call great she is great in doors and will fly to the fist but she has some bad traits [BANNED TEXT] out side on the bow she doesn't want to no at all she bates a lot [BANNED TEXT] approached I have got her wait down to 2lb 10.5 so she has lost 5 Oz but she is still not responding to well out side I think it may be the fact that she has bean locked away for so long and I'm not sure if her age is something to do with the fact that it has imprinted in her head any thoughts would be greatly appreciated regards ian

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Hi Ian


As a rule all Birds will respond better when fat whilst inside.

Once they get outside, there are loads of distractions for them and they start looking at different options. ie to fly off into the tall trees in the distance...LOL


I would guess that she is still too high in weight.

Do you know how to judge her condition by feeling her keel?

Do you have someone to mentor you that can help you? Its always easier if you have someone with a bit of experience that can help guide you.

Sorry if you already know this.

Good luck with her mate.

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Yes buddy I have bean thinking that has well and kind of hoping that to I have just fell in love with this bird and Worry about her all day lol I guess I have just bean a summing the worst with how bad she has been treated in the past I do have a mentor but it's hard for him to get up to me all the time with work but he is coming up today and the kiel is what I have bean asking about and he said that he is going to show me lol

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You've done a good thing mate getting that bird out of its shitty environment .


Time and patience will be your best friend from now on,.


I'm looking forward to seeing that 1st thread with your bird and its 1st successful hunt.


good luck fella.

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