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Advice Please Chaps,

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Hi all


i have just got a new permission 350 acres with plenty

of wildlife,it's got woodlands surrounding the land and plenty of hills

and back drops,


the question is how do i go about my fac? is it best to speak to

my local officer or the officer of the area of the permission as there is

an 1hour drive from both areas?


i shoot in a rifle club and have for 4 months but still need a officer to visit the land


any help would be great

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As walshie says. It doesn't matter where the land is, all your dealings are done with your issuing force and they will enquire about land suitability etc. with the force where the land is.


Give them a ring with the land details to see if they can find out if it's already cleared as there is no point applying for something that they don't clear the land for then get your forms filled in for your ticket.


If you can wait till you have a full club membership I would because it makes life a lot easier if you have target use and vermin as reasons for owning (plus it'll save you money on variations if you apply with the slots you might want target files for... 38spl, 44mag, 223, 308 etc. Depending on what your club does) Its a lot easier to have a vermin condition added to an existing target rifle slot when you pick up land suitable for it than it is to get the land then send in a variation with a few quid each time and wait for land clearances etc.

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thank you both for your reply,

if the land is already cleared for different cal 22lr ,223 ect is

easyer to get the fac cert? or is just as much a head ake

i think iv only for a month left on the club probation aswell but worse case i'll

still need to get land cert,

but i'll give them a call tomorrow and see what they say

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thank you both for your reply,

if the land is already cleared for different cal 22lr ,223 ect is

easyer to get the fac cert? or is just as much a head ake

i think iv only for a month left on the club probation aswell but worse case i'll

still need to get land cert,

but i'll give them a call tomorrow and see what they say


If the land is already cleared, you still have to jump through the same hoops, but that's one less hoop. :thumbs:

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And wait for your full membership.


Initial application could then look like...


Fac air (22 or 25 depending on your choice)

Air rifle moderator

. 22lr x 2

.22lr moderator x 2

Hmr / wmr (personal preference but having owned both I'd go wmr)

Hmr / wmr moderator

. 223

223 mod


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i spoke to my local FAO today and they checked the land to see if it has been cleared,

i give them farm name, farmers name and they said it hasn't been checked, but they told me to go ahead and send off the fac application as due to west mercia been over welmed it will take 3-4 months before they would go out and check it,

so looks like no fac for a wile.....

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i spoke to my local FAO today and they checked the land to see if it has been cleared,

i give them farm name, farmers name and they said it hasn't been checked, but they told me to go ahead and send off the fac application as due to west mercia been over welmed it will take 3-4 months before they would go out and check it,

so looks like no fac for a wile.....

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Put what you want. The FEO will tell you what you can have and amend it on your interview.


I'm sure everyone's allowance is different but my allowance is 600 for my rimfires and 300 for my centrefires. Reasonable point to start I would think, but different forces look at it differently.

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