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Nostalgia Is Not What It Used To Be.

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Those of us who are "of a certain age" will recognise one of these....  

Wife does the youngest granddaughter loves it. The eldest hates it but she is 18.   TC

Can recall bath time in 50's having a scrub down in the kitchen sink in a couple of inches of tepid water, kitchen was referred to as a scullery. Always tried to be first for the scrub as by the time

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I have quite a dark complextion and tan real easy . My old nan bless her used to grab me and scrub the back of my neck red raw with cold tar soap .....ffs Nan its a tan! lol ....good memories :thumbs:

Edited by kanny
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I have quite a dark complextion and tan real easy . My old nan bless her used to grab me and scrub the back of my neck red raw with cold tar soap .....ffs Nan its a tan! lol ....good memories :thumbs:

When you say "dark complexion"......?


Touch of the tar brush as my aunty used to say?



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I have quite a dark complextion and tan real easy . My old nan bless her used to grab me and scrub the back of my neck red raw with cold tar soap .....ffs Nan its a tan! lol ....good memories :thumbs:


When you say "dark complexion"......?

Touch of the tar brush as my aunty used to say?



My grandad used to say that ! It seems casual racism isn't what it used to be, either.....:D

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Net curtains TC?? is it a regional thing,not seen em round here since the seventies lol

Exactly my thoughts. Net curtains went out with Nelson's eye ffs


All the on trend people seem to have a downer on nets but class will always out last trends. (Where the feck is that tongue in cheek smiley) :laugh:



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I've said this before my dad's side were Romany barge gypsies running coal along the trent i dont claim any gypsy heritage i was brought up as a normal country boy my granddad and grandmother were the last...no crown Darby in our house lol but its plain to see in all my dad's side.

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I have quite a dark complextion and tan real easy . My old nan bless her used to grab me and scrub the back of my neck red raw with cold tar soap .....ffs Nan its a tan! lol ....good memories :thumbs:

When you say "dark complexion"......?

Touch of the tar brush as my aunty used to say?



My grandad used to say that ! It seems casual racism isn't what it used to be, either.....:D

Just remembered another of my grandads sayings......if he was ever heard to 'break wind's, he'd pull a face and say "Ooh, these shoes are tight !"

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I've said this before my dad's side were Romany barge gypsies running coal along the trent i dont claim any gypsy heritage i was brought up as a normal country boy my granddad and grandmother were the last...no crown Darby in our house lol but its plain to see in all my dad's side.

I bet they could tell some stories, mate......

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