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Irish Telly Tonight.

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I don't care if it is in Irish. You can stick it ! We have Countryfile that caters for the true interests of the countryman. Things like organic uni-cycle racing in the Peak District or a couple of retired ( at the age of 23 ) advertising executives from London producing alcohol free ( please drink responsibly ) mead and selling a thimble sized bottle at £80 a pop. Hunting, shooting and fishing is just nasty and no one in the British countryside has any interest in it anymore. Not the ones who travel in on a weekend or buy up property anyway, and there the ones who count.

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Very good IMO with some lovely aerial shots of packs in full cry.

Lovely to see all the ol' boys gather with their hounds on bits of rope for a hare hunt.

And great to see a show about hounds and hunting with no mention antis or trying to justify hunting.


Irish Setters next week.

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Very good IMO with some lovely aerial shots of packs in full cry.

Lovely to see all the ol' boys gather with their hounds on bits of rope for a hare hunt.

And great to see a show about hounds and hunting with no mention antis or trying to justify hunting.


Irish Setters next week.

though the narrator did say at the end, that the dogs where nowhere next to near the hares or foxes during filming.
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