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Starting To Get Into Ferreting

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Hi hope this is the right place to post. Ive always had a passion for shooting/fieldsports and i fancy getting a couple of ferrets to go ferreting with (if my parents let me!). Could any of you guys please give me some tips on whether i should get a jill or hob, housing, feeding etc. Also how likely is it you lose a ferret without a ferret finder. Thanks

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Without a ferret finder you more than likely will lose the ferret. My mate lost two ferrets and 2 collars yesterday due to his finder picking the worse time to go on the blink. Hob or jill doesnt make any difference its matter of preference,they both will bolt rabbits. For housing get a decent sized hutch or double hutch and for feeding, butcher scraps, fish, chicken and rabbits that you catch are all good to give them. feed them raw. I will advise you to go out with someone a few times before you commit to buying ferrets. I was pestered for months off my mates son to take him out ferreting with his whippet. Was wanting ferrets off me too. I took him out one time and we spent most of the day digging for our rabbits plus the 3 hour walk to get to my spot and back, i phoned him a fortnight later to come out again and he had sold the whippet and jacked the hunting because it was harder than he thought it would be. No trying to put you off its a great sport just make sure you like it and its for you first.

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Hi Ben start of slow with equipment such as nets don't think you need 100 nets to have a good day Ferreting as I and many others have good days with a Ferret and a dozen nets but do buy the best nets you can afford as bad nets make for bad Ferreting Imo a locator and collar depends on how long you are willing to wait if your Ferret kills in on the other hand would you dig 8ft to your Ferret? As already been said try and get out with someone else and see if it's for you all the best pal

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