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how do i make my old belingo van run at a hotter temprature..?


weather im running round town,,,or 70 mph on a motorway,,,the temprature gage never goes above a 1/4,,,,,and is usualy only just off the bottom.....


ok i know its not good for a motor to run hot,,,,,,but,,,


the reason i want it running hotter,,,,the heater is usseles,,,,,,however last week i had to get the jump leads out to start our other car,,,,,,so i sat in the van reving the engin ,,being in nutral with my foot halfway down on the gas sending power to the other car,,,,,but i noticed the temp went up to around halfway,,,,this reulted in the heater working lovley and for the first time the van was warm....?????


any ideas lads,,,,could i put somthing over the radiator???

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Run it with the handbrake half on

screen off half the rad, but if that "cures" your heater problem you`ve probably got a knackered thermostat that's jammed open and its overcooling

just a thought and i'm no mechanic or specialist and could well be talking nonsense, but......thermostat could be faulty or airlock in water system or possibly a problem with heater matrix.....   a

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yeh i did have leak in the heater a few week back,,,,water pissing all over the pasenger side foot well,,,,,,i fixed this with k seal,,,,,(rad weld type stuff),,,,


proberbly should have mentioned this first :icon_redface:

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  On 19/11/2016 at 10:01, timmy k said:

Get a winter thermostat

what he said, if that's to much trouble, stick a sheet of cardboard between the grill and rad, the reason it got warm when you jump started the wife's car is because there was know cold air going through the rad fins, I actually have a leather grill cover on my landrover that I have to open and close depending on the temp outside for this reason
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Most but not all thermostats can be tested, if you take the thermostat off the should be a number stamped on it, that is the opening temp (it's normally late 80 degrees) heat water up to the temp and when it gets to that temp the wax melts ( their called wax stats I think) and the thermostat opens, but in Tomos case it sounds like it's either missing or stuck open. As I say winter thermostat would make it run hotter but I havnt fitted one for years so don't know if you can still get hold of them, first check to see if theirs even one in.

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  On 19/11/2016 at 09:59, Mr Wasp said:


  On 19/11/2016 at 09:41, TOMO said:

anybody know why it runns at such a cool temp?

The thermostat has seized open, it will run cold because the thermostat cannot close allowing the temperature to rise.

Simple fix and cheap.




wich is?


i asume i get a new thermostat...and fit,,,,,?


thanks for all the help fellas,,,,if this thermostat is cheap and easy to fix,,,then happy days,,if not,,,then it looks like a cardboard box,,,,im very tight..lol

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As removing the stat it and replacing it is the hard bit and they are only a couple of quid, you might just as well change it rather than testing it.


Edit to add: It's 20+ years since I changed a thermostat so have no idea how much they are now. :icon_redface:

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