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lurchers and terriers together


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Im looking forward to using my Stags on a dig...i think the Male (Blister) would be better suited to the game though..he just has a more laid back attitude...the other real plus side with him is he lets terriers take HUGE libertys with him, and is very NON-dog aggresive...of course that could all change when a terrier is working a Coon and there are coon running everywhere in a barn etc..lol.

When me and FR was in WY, we seen a fox about 30 yards from a earth...Blister seen it and took of after it, and it went to ground...i like to think he chased it to ground, but i think he would have gone in anyway!..lol.

Funnily enough, it was the first red fox my dogs had seen, and when we found the earth was a four holer, we let the bitch out (Tor) incase of a bolt...funnily enough, they both marked to ground and stood there waiting for a bolt...it would have been nice to get a bolt to see what they would have done, but they will have plenty of time for that in the future!..

I wouldnt realy want to leave a Lurcher at home if i had one, and was going out digging...like so many other things, when there good at there job, they are as essential on a dig as good spade...but when there bad, there a pain in the arse!..lol...the worst bad habit is when they keep trying to jump in the dig when you have about three foot left to go, or if they wander off and summat bolts!..lol..that can be sorted out buy good training though imo..


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