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Its a question of Amp's..............

Guest Rabbiteer

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Guest Rabbiteer

Im no techy when it comes to electricity so im looking for a better explanation than the one I got today.


A very kind gentleman has just given me two sealed 12v 7amp batteries. I then went to the local electricity shop to be told that they dont do chargers for that type of stuff and would I llike to buy something for £80 instead. He said that a 2amp charger will leave me 5amps short on an over night charge.


There seem to be 3 types of charges out there and I need the best info on each if possible.


No.1 the £50 motocycle charger that I dont really want to buy.


No.2 the £12 12v 6amp chargers that you can get on ebay.


No.3 the £5 200-300M/amp chargers.


I know you get what you pay for, but im looking for something that will charge these two batteries and give me about 2hrs worth of sunshine. As I know very little about sparking stuff I bow down to other peoples greater knowledge and experiance's


Thanks for your help,



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Im using a "smart charger" that is meant for 12v 24ah golf trolley batteries,it charges in 4 stages,and when fully charged,will smart charge,by trickling low current as and when needed.Have charged my 12v7ah batteries 20 plus times with no probs.The chargers output is 2-4 amps,and as i'm sure you know the slower and more gradually a batery is charged the longer it will last. :thumbs:

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