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Evidence Of God???

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God promised man that good and obedient women will be found in all corners of the world.   He then made the world round.... And laughed and laughed and laughed .

This is the problem and the reason I don't like the word God the second you say God then people presume you mean the biblical version of some bloke sat on a cloud you can understand why people don't b

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Stephen Hawking Admits Intelligent Design Is Highly Probable World News Daily Report


Intelligent design doesn't mean God. And the anthropic principle doesn't only have the conclusions of divine creation or single random act of nature.

God is just a term for the creator is it not?

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and the great Stephen Hawkins does not believe in god or a creator

I think he does.
He seems to change his mind a lot on the subject ...nothing wrong with that but I think it shows he's troubled by it.

Changes his mind more than he changes his tyres that twat.

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My family are from irish blood and heavily catholic though through my generation and next it has been weakened massivley as its just not the norm anymore. Me and my sister have this debate regular and to me 'God' is just a belief of something that cant be explained. 'The big bang' is an attempted explaination of something that cant be explained. There is no evidence one way or another and whether you call it faith or theory its the same thing. The onky difference is 'God' is personified as santas brother sat on a cloud with lightening coming from his fingers by artists who dodnt have TV. Everyone who sees god sees him as an old bloke. Everyone who sees Jesus sees him as a white man with shoulder length brown hair and a tidy beard? Yet he was born in israel? And had fook all? To me he was middle eastern, skint, un kept, smelly and nowadays would probably be in my local sainsburys waiting for the whoopsy trolley at 9pm.


God gave me my life, my wife and my kids and keeps us safe and healthy.


On the same note if there was a god would I have lost my mother young, would kids get cancer, would there be terorists? Yes. Read about Noah and his big boat. God realised he needed a clean sweep once its coming again.


Make of it what u will and live life while you can because in 6 months time we are guna have donald trump and boris Johnson sat in a room with vladimir Putin discussin peace or war so unless you have a nuclear bunker your f**ked!

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My family are from irish blood and heavily catholic though through my generation and next it has been weakened massivley as its just not the norm anymore. Me and my sister have this debate regular and to me 'God' is just a belief of something that cant be explained. 'The big bang' is an attempted explaination of something that cant be explained. There is no evidence one way or another and whether you call it faith or theory its the same thing. The onky difference is 'God' is personified as santas brother sat on a cloud with lightening coming from his fingers by artists who dodnt have TV. Everyone who sees god sees him as an old bloke. Everyone who sees Jesus sees him as a white man with shoulder length brown hair and a tidy beard? Yet he was born in israel? And had fook all? To me he was middle eastern, skint, un kept, smelly and nowadays would probably be in my local sainsburys waiting for the whoopsy trolley at 9pm.


God gave me my life, my wife and my kids and keeps us safe and healthy.


On the same note if there was a god would I have lost my mother young, would kids get cancer, would there be terorists? Yes. Read about Noah and his big boat. God realised he needed a clean sweep once its coming again.


Make of it what u will and live life while you can because in 6 months time we are guna have donald trump and boris Johnson sat in a room with vladimir Putin discussin peace or war so unless you have a nuclear bunker your f**ked!

Brilliant post! You made me think deeply and not give a f#ck at all! And that is the way I like to live my life. Thank you.
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