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Evidence Of God???

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I dont care if god exists or no as long as the believers are no shoving its true there is a god down my throat , and im no watching that film for 25 minutes to decide

As usual it is indeed the exact polar opposite..... as the topic so far once again indicates.

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God promised man that good and obedient women will be found in all corners of the world.   He then made the world round.... And laughed and laughed and laughed .

This is the problem and the reason I don't like the word God the second you say God then people presume you mean the biblical version of some bloke sat on a cloud you can understand why people don't b

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that film showed no evidence of god

It showed strong evidence of a creator (God)
This is the problem and the reason I don't like the word God the second you say God then people presume you mean the biblical version of some bloke sat on a cloud you can understand why people don't buy it but when you actually look at all the things that have to be just so it's difficult to rule out a creator of some sort.



Must be fuming at them self now seeing what we're doing to their zoo.

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that film showed no evidence of god

It showed strong evidence of a creator (God)
This is the problem and the reason I don't like the word God the second you say God then people presume you mean the biblical version of some bloke sat on a cloud you can understand why people don't buy it but when you actually look at all the things that have to be just so it's difficult to rule out a creator of some sort.

But what are we meant to see him has? If there is a creator the being obviously is of unfathomable intelligence, if it means we have to imagine him being a big, white bearded man sat on a cloud then so be it i say.

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To be honest I'm not a fan of all this "pro creationist" propaganda trying to play the same game as the "Big Bang" theory science type, looking for evidence and what have you........why bother?


There's the bible, you have eyes and a brain........what else do you need to come to your own conclusions?


You will either beleive or you won't !

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Dogfox imo mate, everywere you look shows design, intelligent design,but youl have people deny this, even darwin in his book said its hard to comprehend how the eye is a product of chance, even he knew his theory could be bollocks, he stole the idea of his grandad arasmus, an took credit. louis pasteur proved already over 150 years ago that life cannot spontaneously arise from inorganic material, so i dont understand why people still cling to the big bang an evo.( actually i do )


But hey ho its good banter lol


If you want a good argument, go to reddit

,debate an atheist, by feck there sad hardcore fundamentalists.


This is how stupid the site is, its called debate an atheist, but they wait for people to come debate them, then get downvoted into oblivion, lol

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I can't see the video but I presume it's about the Anthropic Principle?


Is that evidence for an intelligent act of creation by God or against a single random act of nature.....

The video puts it like this the odds of it just happening as a random act of nature would be the equivalent to a blind man picking a single marked grain of sand from all the world's beach's or someone winning the lottery a thousand time's in a row only buying 1 ticket at a time 1 in a trillion trillion trillion trillion x15 :hmm:
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that film showed no evidence of god

It showed strong evidence of a creator (God)

it did not show strong evidence of a creator ,just some peoples opinions that no one can explain

Look at kannys post, its mathmatically impossible greg.

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that film showed no evidence of god

It showed strong evidence of a creator (God)

it did not show strong evidence of a creator ,just some peoples opinions that no one can explain
Look at kannys post, its mathmatically impossible greg.
Not impossible but it's stretching the laws of probability to the max.
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that film showed no evidence of god

It showed strong evidence of a creator (God)
it did not show strong evidence of a creator ,just some peoples opinions that no one can explain
Look at kannys post, its mathmatically impossible greg.
Not impossible but it's stretching the laws of probability to the max.


may be or may be they got the odds wrong

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