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Lol im over that ,wasnt my bitch and was your call .Its the whole package im not sure about .I have a feeling your one of lifes dont listen,do it my way which is fine but then you come on here moaning about your decision and wanting others acceptance .You would be far better keeping a low profile and listening but you strive for some sort of reaction daily on here it seems .By putting posts on the www you are open to all and any to contribute mate and like me or not you are getting my opinion where terriers are concerned .I know you are relatively new to the game but dosnt exscuse ignorance.

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A little update she been on the rats a couple of times now and done very well marking and digging in no problems with a quick kill on them either . She is very keen around a dig also . Growing into a

Had another call out for this morning took poppy along as I new the spot and it only runs to 0.6 on the box she done her job again to my and land owners satisfaction

Had a call out this afternoon form a kepeer I've never met he had been loosing a lot of hen birds a knew where the culprit was so only armed with poppy at 10 months I turned up at his shoot at 4 o'cl

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I want acceptance from no one I just like to post i don't need to be a follower of any one . I make my own mistakes and I listen to those who accept other people ways may be different and I acknowledge you know more than I about digging but not more than ALL

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She has hunted up her own rat around a month ago she dug it out a pile of bin bags that had been fly tipped and taking her out with a pack is just a little experience. I wouldn't let her hunt with the pack just now coz some of the buck rats will probably be nearly as heavy as her and have larger teeth have you seen the size they can get to on a chicken farm . Can't win on here can you over do your dog and you get shot .tak3 it nice and slow with your dog and get shot ffs .

Edited by leethedog
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Lee,judging by past form and your bad judgement I don't really know what to make of you and thats the honest truth .Putting a pup straight into a rat hunting situation is exactly what I do but I don't expect it to do much other than be a nuisance .They soon learn what's expected .Like I said nothing learnt in the van .

well said..
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

A little update she been on the rats a couple of times now and done very well marking and digging in no problems with a quick kill on them either . She is very keen around a dig also . Growing into a strong little bitch with plenty of gumption



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