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Dropped On Today Lads !

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The day care place I take my GSP dog, when we are all at work is an old farm, now the fields are never cropped and small lakes never hardly fished.

Anyways after asking twice before the land owner offered me shooting rights today whilst working for him and very gratefully, I said yes please Dave.


Lakes, woods, marshland and oak tree boundaries, - wood pigeon, rabbit, squirrel, magpies, crows etc, etc :boogy:


Only 13 acres but a beautiful shoot.


" made up" :D

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Great post. Any images?


Might be getting myself a new perm as it's happens, but it's in season at the moment and is no where near 3 acres let alone 13.


Owners names Dale though, so we might not get on.

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  On 14/11/2016 at 21:40, mark williams said:

Dale eh ?


Best leave your .177 Rapid at home mate, :laugh: .







Ha. My old man told me as a young lad, never trust a older bloke called warren, dale, pascal or Sheldon. So I don't.


He's set in his ways thought. Grew up post war England. Born 1935. So it's a bit hard to say how the world has changed.

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  On 14/11/2016 at 21:12, mark williams said:

The day care place I take my GSP dog, when we are all at work is an old farm, now the fields are never cropped and small lakes never hardly fished.

Anyways after asking twice before the land owner offered me shooting rights today whilst working for him and very gratefully, I said yes please Dave.


Lakes, woods, marshland and oak tree boundaries, - wood pigeon, rabbit, squirrel, magpies, crows etc, etc :boogy:


Only 13 acres but a beautiful shoot.


" made up" :D

Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. Hope you find the time to enjoy it fully mark.


All the very best

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  On 14/11/2016 at 21:57, villaman said:

Good news Mark .

Smaller permissions seem more profitable than some larger ones .

I have a few permissions around 10-20 acres ,a lot easier to shoot than most of my 1300 ones :thumbs:


I'm asking this as it's the first thing that I thought when I read your post. And it might be the same reason as me...


There just to big? For an air rifle. And I find large acres have other shooters with "real" guns as they keep saying. Though, I'm always asked to clear the rabbits from the flower garden in the summer. :)

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  On 14/11/2016 at 21:57, villaman said:

Good news Mark .

Smaller permissions seem more profitable than some larger ones .

I have a few permissions around 10-20 acres ,a lot easier to shoot than most of my 1300 ones :thumbs:


As the saying goes they don't make diamonds as big as bricks. My best perm in n yorks is 80 acres and I'd rather have that on its own than the rest added together.

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Perfect Mark, well done mate. So now you keep a small two piece rod in the car for those days when the shooting is poor, get the rod out.


I used to lure fish a tiny pond no bigger than 1/3acre but it was stuffed with perch and on ultra light gear, fantastic sport.



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