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Trial Of Britain First Terrorist Tommy Mair Starts

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It was very convenient for the remainers and the perfect victim not some crusty old MP that everyone hates.


After watching the Soros funded leftist hate mobs running amock in the US during their election It wouldn't surprise me one tiny bit if this basket case wasn't being primed/encouraged by someone. I guess we'll never know but like I say....convenient and almost swung the referendum.

Fishier than Grimsby Docks.....

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Or perhaps it's just the fact most of the country is sick to death of the way the country has turned out, and what is happening, I think this murder could be the first wave in a tsunami of the people'

There's a few thousand wives, husbands, dads, mothers and children of dead servicemen who will never again see their loves one because of the policy's of the Jo Coxs of this world.......it's every bit

.....I think calling him "Britain first" is a bit unfair....he had nothing to do with Britain first the organisation. He was heard to shout Britain must come first....there is a bit of a difference.

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Can't argue with that, Mair really is a special kind of coward.

Oh well, he's going to die forgotten and alone in a jail cell now. A fitting end for such a cowardly lowlife IMO.

Would that definition of coward run to bombing kids in hospitals and schools........you know, the same type of bombing Jo Cox voted in favour of ?

Which bombings did she vote in favour of?

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Can't argue with that, Mair really is a special kind of coward.

Oh well, he's going to die forgotten and alone in a jail cell now. A fitting end for such a cowardly lowlife IMO.

Would that definition of coward run to bombing kids in hospitals and schools........you know, the same type of bombing Jo Cox voted in favour of ?

Which bombings did she vote in favour of?



She supported some form of intervention in Syria, voted in favour of mass surveillance, supported open borders, voted against controls or cehcks on immigrants and immigration.


I'd say she was one of the 'useful idiots' a well meaning ideologue who inadvertently campaigning for bad things that destroy society and countries in the name of social justice.


This is how it works

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So... none then.



If you understood Syria and what is going on you would see she did support the civil war being prolonged even though she wouldn't have realised it.

I asked when she voted in favour of bombing kids in hospitals and schools (she never did), that's all.

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So... none then.



If you understood Syria and what is going on you would see she did support the civil war being prolonged even though she wouldn't have realised it.

I asked when she voted in favour of bombing kids in hospitals and schools (she never did), that's all.



It doesn't matter becasue arguably what she was doing, campaigning for the so called Syrian opposition etc and adding to the MSM lies of good rebels fighting off Assad could have eventually led to military intervention as happened with Libya. People like her are dangerous and it's people like her that have propagated 'humanitarian' reasons for invading and destroying entire nations.


She was a tiny unknowing cog in the machine but when they are in positions of power they are all the more dangerous....imagine if MPs believed the lies in the media on Libya and Syria and then voted on foreign policy based on those lies....it happens all the time....lowly MPs aren't privy to high level intelligence.

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So... none then.



If you understood Syria and what is going on you would see she did support the civil war being prolonged even though she wouldn't have realised it.
I asked when she voted in favour of bombing kids in hospitals and schools (she never did), that's all.

It doesn't matter becasue arguably what she was doing, campaigning for the so called Syrian opposition etc and adding to the MSM lies of good rebels fighting off Assad could have eventually led to military intervention as happened with Libya. People like her are dangerous and it's people like her that have propagated 'humanitarian' reasons for invading and destroying entire nations.


She was a tiny unknowing cog in the machine but when they are in positions of power they are all the more dangerous....imagine if MPs believed the lies in the media on Libya and Syria and then voted on foreign policy based on those lies....it happens all the time....lowly MPs aren't privy to high level intelligence.

It does matter when someone is trying to imply she's as much of a coward as the terrorist who murdered her because she voted for bombing children when she never did, that's the only reason it was even brought up.


You're obviously incredibly triggered and need to spray your conspiracy theories all over the place at the slightest mention of Syria, a strange condition to suffer from but you crack on with that :thumbs:

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So... none then.



If you understood Syria and what is going on you would see she did support the civil war being prolonged even though she wouldn't have realised it.
I asked when she voted in favour of bombing kids in hospitals and schools (she never did), that's all.

It doesn't matter becasue arguably what she was doing, campaigning for the so called Syrian opposition etc and adding to the MSM lies of good rebels fighting off Assad could have eventually led to military intervention as happened with Libya. People like her are dangerous and it's people like her that have propagated 'humanitarian' reasons for invading and destroying entire nations.


She was a tiny unknowing cog in the machine but when they are in positions of power they are all the more dangerous....imagine if MPs believed the lies in the media on Libya and Syria and then voted on foreign policy based on those lies....it happens all the time....lowly MPs aren't privy to high level intelligence.

It does matter when someone is trying to imply she's as much of a coward as the terrorist who murdered her because she voted for bombing children when she never did, that's the only reason it was even brought up.


You're obviously incredibly triggered and need to spray your conspiracy theories all over the place at the slightest mention of Syria, a strange condition to suffer from but you crack on with that :thumbs:



Just because I know far more than you on the subject doesn't make it a conspiracy ;)


Try reading a little and howabout visit some of these countries as I have done

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