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If Life Was A Book..

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got me thinking..

growing up in the fifties/sixties..[the best times]..BY FAR..

reckon the things iv'e crammed in, I must be an eighteen chapter..lol.. reckon I'm on about chapter sixteen..

regrets, some,not many though..one I some times think about, was training to be a game warden in east Africa when I was about nineteen,, never happened.but then I wouldn't have met the mr's...lol..


hows your book read..

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Mine would be along the lines of, You can't grow old and wise without first being young and stupid. I've done the latter, still waiting for the former.

true , :thumbs: god i wish i could turn the clock , it took me long while to grow up , i was born in 1952 yeh old bugger lol, but done daft things drank to much ,shag anything on 2 legs , fecked me back up/ heavy manual work and fecked me hands up doing daft karate punching hard things and press up on wooden floor me fingers fooked now :yes: . yep i would have tried harder at school , and took up cycling and swimming , like i did later on in like , which are far better for your body :yes: . the only good thing to my book of life, is my 29 year old son not made the mistakes ive made, he got good education , good job, married nice girl , and plays football and he quite good at it. and does bit of swimming as well , and he deff started life on the right page of life :thumbs:

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Regrets, I've had a few :D


Would be nice to have done more at school, had a better career moneywise etc etc etc

I could fill a few books with the stuff I've done, good and bad but it wouldnt be great reading although it might be entitled "How to just about keep managing to avoid disasters"


Cheers, D.

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