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Goose ! Breasted

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  On 12/11/2016 at 19:59, vizlauk said:

I got 3 good pink footed geese today; I breasted them, any good receipe's for goose ? I was thinking about a good curry or something along the lines of slow cooked with chilli and garlic any ideas

Depends on the age of the geese what you can do with them. Geese are different to ducks, in that the older they get the tougher they get. If they were this years geese then there are a lot of things you can do with the breasts apart from casseroles and curries and they will still be tender. You can slice the breasts length ways about a half an inch thick tenderise them with a mallet the breadcrumb them and make Schnitzels out of them. Or you could even stuff a whole breast with a garlic and herb stuffing and breadcrumb that and cook in the oven like a Kiev. Slice a young breast and and flash fry with smoked bacon and onions.


Lots of options out there, just think steak for a young bird and brisket for an old one.



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When i was young the only chicken we had on the table were old farm yard boilers , these birds were as tough as leather even if they

spent a night in the stew pot. What mam did was to boil all night then slow roast them on the range for about six hours then they were very tasty

. One day my my granddad had to kill a big old farmyard gander , he was years old but he still had to be plucked and dressed , that job came down to me and my sister

and took nearly a day my Nan then singed it and took it to the hall kitchen to boiled all day then roasted allnight ih the big coal oven , i don,t recall whatit tasted like

as me and Jan would have only had a wing each and a bit of stuffed neck and that could not be eaten untillyou had eaten your vedge and a round of bread . The goose was not finished me yet though

because once i had a sore bum and mam rubbed some goose fat on it , one xmas forty years later she told all my kids that when i was a nipper how she had to lard my arse up. happy days .

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Apparently, fella told me the best thing for wild goose is to smoke the Breast , makes it very tender , ferrets weren't to keen on the carcass to start ? Lasts em a while and makes them some lovely bedding ,

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  • 4 months later...

what we do is several things with goose breasts


1 wrap smokey streaky bacon around the breast

bbq and baste with a sticky sweet bbq sauce


2 (having this tonight) 3 crushed cloves of garlic

salt n coursely ground pepper

dried thyme leaves (i cant get fresh)

lemon rind finely grated

a good gulp of olive oil

mix all this up in a zip locker large freezer bag

drop the goose breasts in for a few days in the fridge

bbq the breasts

i use that marinade on deer,goose and boar,works a damn treat


3 brazilian dry steak seasoning mix with olive in again in a zip loc freezer bag

drop the breasts in there for a few days

bbq again


i will post some pics up of what it looks like

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