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Fac Mods

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I did pop on my HW mod and agree it works, certainly quieter than the mod supplied on the gun. My HW mod is from my .177 and I only dry fired for a test, not sure if they are cal dependent or dual use.



Edited by philpot
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Hi all


Very subjective and variable point. Moderators, shooters hearing, calibre, power , distance from gun and angle if recording. Bearing in mind too variables on recorder ie apps etc. Think the mechanism contributes a lot to the noise as does bolt action and position. If the object is to confuse the quarry or other targets, depending on range then impact sound on target is greater than firing noise. Again closed space open field etc is another variable. That head shot rabbit at 50 yards has on a .25 still plus 30 ft lbs of energy to dissipate. If the missus is on left side at night that ear may be less sharp. Ahem.


Safe shooting

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Hi pianoman it's fac renewel time again in April next year and iv been thinking about asking for an fac hw80 (if I'm allowed 2 fac airguns that is!) And been thinking about this quite a bit - does a moderator quieten down an fac springer down well?

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They reduce a little of the muzzle-crack, but, not really that much Tom, a third at best or hardly at all. Not so you'd notice an immediate and dramatic difference. You can't deaden the crack of the piston and spring in the cylinder. Nor the thwack of the pellet off a rabbit's skull anyway so. honestly, I don't rate them as an essential item on an FAC HW80.

I have a Webley Venom Slimtech long silencer on mine which has sealed itself to the barrel very tightly and I can't get it off. It looks lovely mind, but does more to increase the rifle's overall length than hush the muzzle-blast produced.


Still, my HW80 .22 is one of the finest rifles I've ever known and I couldn't be happier with how it performs on a rabbit shoot.

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