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An end to mass migration and the beginning of repatriation will ensure national sovereignty in America which will eventually reverberate here,probably far better relations between Russia and the west

I love the smell of democracy in the morning.

All jokes aside, I know plenty of ordinary lads who are over the moon with this result.......it's strange because it's an American president yet lads from all over Britain feel like it's a victory for

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Maybe a good business head is what every country needs they are used to working on shoestring budgets and making it a success politicians are too used to spending other people's money and don't give a toss. When the sh1t fell out of the Irish economy everyone was crying out for Michael O'Leary from Ryanair to enter politics and take over because he knew how to get the best value out of money. He would run the country efficiently on a third of what the current government would, but we would all have to stand up on public transport when he removed the seats to make space lol.

Edited by jiggy
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Apparently Liam Fox is good freinds with some heavyweight republicans so i find it hard to see that they will ask Nige but on the other hand trump and farage seem to be cut from simlar cloth and get on so maybe it's right.
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