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An end to mass migration and the beginning of repatriation will ensure national sovereignty in America which will eventually reverberate here,probably far better relations between Russia and the west

I love the smell of democracy in the morning.

All jokes aside, I know plenty of ordinary lads who are over the moon with this result.......it's strange because it's an American president yet lads from all over Britain feel like it's a victory for

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Conservative victory (they said it would be a hung parliament) Brexit (they said remain would win) and now Trump as president, how long will it take our politicians to realise we are totally pi**ed off with "politics as usual", France is shi**ng itself over forthcoming elections and quite rightly so this will be the next political upset, the worm is certainly turning.


One thing about Trump though I wonder if the "elite" will allow somone who could seriously upset their gravy train will allow him to survive a full term? There are I suspect some very powerful people in the USA who have just gotten a bloody nose.


To the USA well done for having balls

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This has happened because millions of people have had enough of being told that their opinions are wrong, and have no merit because they disagree with the established 'wisdom'. They have been told that they have no right to hold their opinion, and they should just shut up and do as they're told.......these are the people who have been royally f***ed over - seen their industries laid to waste, their communities destroyed and their futures taken from them. And, in Trump, they believe they have found a man who will help them reverse the decline......


The reaction is that Clinton supporters are holding protests, saying they will not respect his victory and do all they can to disrupt his presidency..........so much for the democracy, equality and tolerance they claim to promote !

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As Churchill said "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning"


There is going to be a massive change sweeping across Europe now, once we get Brexit and Trump keeps his promise to put us at the front of the queue other European countries will be scrambling to get the same. The EU is close to collapse now, I doubt it will survive 2017 in it's current form.


I would love to see Wilders, Le Pen, Pepe Grillo and Heinz-Christian Strache all win in 2017. That will be the final nail in the coffin for globalism, corporatism and Marxism.

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Establishment politicians across Europe and America have really got to take a long, hard look in the mirror.....


How did a man with no political experience whatsoever, a man derided as 'unfit for office', a man mocked, ridiculed and abused at every opportunity sweep their Old Boy network aside so easily ?

How has he campaigned almost as an independent candidate, with large sections of his own party refusing to back him, largely self-funded ?

And how, despite these and all the other hurdles, has he not only been elected President, but helped increase his party's hold on Congress ?


But I don't suppose they'll do that ! They'd much rather create uncertainty and unrest, taking every chance to disrupt and derail his presidency, using every dirty trick in the book.

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