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They have introduced charges at the tip up here for stuff like plasterboard scraps, mattresses & garden soil, & other garden rubbish ... thats just encouraging fly tipping if you ask me

It's €90 A YEAR ! mate

for the benefit of our children and the planet in theory but its a pain in the arse I don't like the fact I have to do it

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yea and tyres are just made for throwing :laugh:

What gets me is I pay 125.00 a month poll tax.... the bin men only have to spot a dried leaf in the landfill bin & the jobsworth wont empty it, I stick the recycling in a plastic box in the kitchen & do my bit.... any dog shit off the yard goes in a bag in the green bin which isnt usually a great deal


Since the power station shut they have lost the revenue from there.... so there no longer maintaining the islands or planting up to save money ... hence the charges at the tip


My poll tax will go up next year as well ... i reccon

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yea this is the thing the tax goes up yet we have to do more :hmm:

I dont mind doing the recycling... infact the green landfill bin stinks less now ... before we had the blue bins for recycling we had boxes ... it was a nightmare .. bloody dog had to me muzzled to stop him from scavenging out of boxes on bin morning when he was walked :laugh:


Also my ex husband was an alki & the cider bottles was embarrassing :laugh: .. at least the lid coud be shut on the bin when we had them so no bugger could see the bottles :laugh:

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If governments were serious about saving the planet they would ban building with masonry full stop.......they would do away with supermarkets and all the associated waste that gos with them and they would stop artificially supporting populations.


Smoke cleaning technology has been widely available for years so why don't they use it on power stations and burn all the rubbish that people generate instead of burying it in the ground?

Edited by WILF
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Bin bags for general waste in my area (have to use specific bag) cost 40 euros for 20!

......I've got right into the recycling now...

Same here mate, it's cheaper to do it.......none of this 1500 quid a year council tax nonsense.......just do it yourself and it costs hardly anything.

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The lazy b*****ds at the dump are the worst. They literally sit in their chairs watching what you're dumping, ready to take anything they fancy or shout at you for putting the wrong stuff in the wrong skip.


We took a load of old plastic piping with brass compression fittings on to the dump a couple of weeks ago. Not enough brass to make it worth undoing every one, but the bloke down there was interested in it. He said "Those fittings will have to come off." As he was sitting there doing nothing, I assumed he was there to do things like that if he wanted the brass. I said "You'd better crack on then. i'm not doing it."


His answer? "OK. Chuck it in the landfill then."

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The lazy b*****ds at the dump are the worst. They literally sit in their chairs watching what you're dumping, ready to take anything they fancy or shout at you for putting the wrong stuff in the wrong skip.


We took a load of old plastic piping with brass compression fittings on to the dump a couple of weeks ago. Not enough brass to make it worth undoing every one, but the bloke down there was interested in it. He said "Those fittings will have to come off." As he was sitting there doing nothing, I assumed he was there to do things like that if he wanted the brass. I said "You'd better crack on then. i'm not doing it."


His answer? "OK. Chuck it in the landfill then."

You'll think they own the recycling plant those divvys walshie ild av thought you had enough space to burn rubbish I got an old skip with big doors on it likes big incinorator

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Lol a topic on recycling and conservation and cushty is releasing more co2 with his back yard inferno than China, top man!!!

No plastic or anything this is trees and wood waste mate I work on trees so what I cannot chip I burn yeah I put the rubbish blackbags that won't fit in the bins which the binmen won't take in there aswell but I'm not burning old tyres or plastic

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