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Bonfire Night Memories.

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My grandson came home from school with a peach of a black eye. So I was telling him how I got one similar to his at the same age. It was a few days before Bonfire night and all the neighbourhood gang

Bonfire night was as spcial as Christmas when I as a kid, the men of the street would collect wood for months before, coming from an old mining village there was no shortage of sleepers & the like

Used to climb over folks fences and put the old black cat airbombs in their greenhouses lol-light up a green colour and bang-be f**k all left of the Glasshouse-I was a proper horrible f****r in my yo

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Bonfire night was as spcial as Christmas when I as a kid, the men of the street would collect wood for months before, coming from an old mining village there was no shortage of sleepers & the like.


Old wood was scavenged from businesses .. the corner shop used to bake a sack of spuds, apple bobbing we would all have toffee apples & treacle toffee all made by the old girl who ran the shop.


It was brilliant .... this photo was taken in 1969 of the kind of fires that where built ... clearly no health & safety regs in them days :laugh: the villages would have competitions to see who could build the biggest fires... madness really


Then all the men stuck what they could afford in a kitty for fireworks ..... they seemed to go on for ever.... not these incendiary's they loose off today ... but what seemed like 5 mins of colour & the smell was lingering for days after


Great childhood memories for me



that's a proper fire reminds me of the wicker man

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Bonfire night was as spcial as Christmas when I as a kid, the men of the street would collect wood for months before, coming from an old mining village there was no shortage of sleepers & the like.


Old wood was scavenged from businesses .. the corner shop used to bake a sack of spuds, apple bobbing we would all have toffee apples & treacle toffee all made by the old girl who ran the shop.


It was brilliant .... this photo was taken in 1969 of the kind of fires that where built ... clearly no health & safety regs in them days :laugh: the villages would have competitions to see who could build the biggest fires... madness really


Then all the men stuck what they could afford in a kitty for fireworks ..... they seemed to go on for ever.... not these incendiary's they loose off today ... but what seemed like 5 mins of colour & the smell was lingering for days after


Great childhood memories for me



Need a bloody long stick to roast marshmallows on that fecker ? you'd lose your eyebrows for sure
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i havent really got any memories of making fires but ive got one or two memories of daft shit i got upto with fireworks thinking back it was bloody dangerous but you dont give a shit when you are younger.

i use to light rockets hold them in my hand by the end of the stick once i could feel them starting to pull i would release them and away they would go never batted a eye lid about it, done loads of mad shit. last night i was in the garden lighting some fireworks for the kids and trying to be a clever dick i thought i would let 2 rockets of at the same time so i lite one fuse and before i could get the other to light the first rocket took of and i shit myself and didnt try it again lol.

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We used to have firework fights on the local rec using rockets as missiles and do stupid shit like crazy rockets where you snap the stick off and chuck them and hope they didn't come back at you. I'm surprised nobody got hurt thinking about it now.

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I remember we used to build a fire with our grandad. The day before we lit it, we'd be out there checking that no hedgehogs had gotten inside.


As a teenager growing up on an estate, we used to snap the sticks off rockets and chuck them at each other in alleys and underpasses. We used to call them Wicked Willies.

Looking back, it was f***ing daft and, it was amazing that no one got hurt.

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Used to climb over folks fences and put the old black cat airbombs in their greenhouses lol-light up a green colour and bang-be f**k all left of the Glasshouse-I was a proper horrible f****r in my younger days =) now I can't stand fireworks lol. Atb dc

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