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I knew an old boy he'd be around 90 now if he was still alive that used to lamp salmon on a river with paraffin hand held wick lanterns that must of been in the 1940s or 1950s they used to bring a jack Russel that barked whenever someone was coming down riverbank and it would let them know if bailiffs were coming. The dog must of been worth its weight in gold lol. I wonder did the old boys complain that paraffin lamps didn't shine up a rabbits eyes as good as old whale oil lamps the same as the new leds do now ha ha?

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Ive herd of keepers driving the land in old cars and early land rovers and www2 jeeps with whippets and lurchers from back in the 30,s and 40's,,,,,just shows you driving the land in a scooby ain't somthing new...


I also read in a book about a poacher from around the turn of the century using a early hand held torch catching game with lurcher ,,,so that's 100 plus years

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