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Getting Disheartened With It All.

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Long story short, I've just got back into the hunting life since about august. I used to ferret, lamp on the gun about 7 years ago but work and relationships ended it all. So, I now have two ferrets again, I've put my one down so many holes,all the old places I used to go, not a single rabbit, nothing. I've done about 7 trips. I've had two on snares up my sisters field, but that's all that's worked and two in about three months. I just got some permission this weekend,shared it up with 13 snares. Two pulled but no bunnies, runs all over the place though. Me and the missus went up last night, dug my old lamp out, went up soon as it got dark, didn't see a thing. Im getting so disheartened because as a young lad I used to get loads ferreting. I don't know if its not cold enough yet or what, but nothing on the lamp, maybe the odd one in a field after a few hours driving. That's why im relying on snares and getting into it more. If anyone can offer and advice it would be a great help as I just feel like giving up. I go out mid day with the ferrets and lamp soon as its dark. So 7ish last night.cheers lads.

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Maybe if there arnt that many Rabbits it's pointless snaring them for the sake of it....leave em in peace. I know it's frustrating when you have ferrets but no work for em. Find a local shoot, start b

No I think we didn't explain our love and thrill at hunting....we automatically reply to any argument with 'pest control'....nobody except a professional pest controller being paid for it, goes out to

its like this with me now, must be an age thing, then so be it, but I just enjoy the freedom of the countryside these days, especially days like today, fantastic autumn colours, watching my dogs enjoy

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It's a real hard game now for one reason or another as for numbers a lot of places are struggling and a shadow of there former it's not hard to ruin a half decent spot over a few years with over hunting combined with mixi weather n buzzards etc but there's still a cpl decent spots about n as long as folk stop hassling them in the summer n take no more than needed through the season and naming such places all over the Internet then they have a chance at least atb..

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Maybe if there arnt that many Rabbits it's pointless snaring them for the sake of it....leave em in peace. I know it's frustrating when you have ferrets but no work for em. Find a local shoot, start beating, meet people, maybe get some vermin days or permission.

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I know of a fields where I saw about twenty rabbits and im very near to snaring it to be honest just to get something. As I say the new permission I only went to this weekend and had a few pulls so ill take alot more snares next weekend. Im not after loads but two rabbits in three months is a bit gutting. Used to ne two or three a session as a lad. Seems I Ain't the only one feeling it by the looks. As for the farmer being on bed that field I know with them is is definitely looking like I may have to have a go. The new permission has a field of fern going into a open field divided by a fence and the runs are unreal so ill stick with it.

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So you just want to kill rabbits for the sake of it? Woodgas doing pest control, your trying to make the local population extinct, there's a difference..... and just some advice, maybe it's your snaring that needs brushing up

Nothing wrong with killing for killing sake imo but .... only when time's are good .... I've had a look round my main permission at the weekend and its looking like I won't be shooting any rabbits on there for a 3rd season...it's looking better than last year but still not ready yet . They need all the help they can get in a lot of areas at the moment. :thumbs:

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Why would you want to kill something for no reason?

You can always find a reason lol ...my point is we are hunters we enjoy it .. dress it up how you like but that's the bottom line and there's nothing wrong with that .

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Enjoying hunting and killing is a reason and a perfectly fine one IMO, this idea that we should all be solemnly walking the fields regretting every kill and only doing it because it needs to be done is total bollocks.

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