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Dew Claw Removal Whats The Disadvantages

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I’ve said this before on a post.  Two old dog men, sadly no longer with us, who I had a lot of respect for, had completely opposite views on dew claws. Typp Ratcher  would penalise any dog with

I know that most people have issues leaving dew claws on lurchers, but in over 30 years, I've only ever had to have one dog's dewclaws removed as an adult. I think it depends a lot on the breeding, an

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Well the vets where he's registered with wanted £295.30 for both removed any how after biting my lip and telling them where to go nicely (they did save his life) I declined there greed and won't shame them Wilsons at bishop Auckland I decided to ring Darlington vets near faverdale industrial estate who my ferrets are registered with only wanted £100 for the same saving £195 so he went in Thursday morning out Thursday night all done now for the recovery ATB markpost-74118-0-43393300-1478501308_thumb.jpg

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I know that most people have issues leaving dew claws on lurchers, but in over 30 years, I've only ever had to have one dog's dewclaws removed as an adult. I think it depends a lot on the breeding, and how large and floppy the dew claws are. If you have a type/breed/line that is known to have those sort of dewclaws, then it is best to remove them at a couple of days old. But if they are small, neat, and don't grow away from the leg, then leave them on. Dogs do use their dewclaws to hold onto bones they are chewing, and they can, on wet ground, act as grips when turning fast. I'm sure most will disagree with me, but those are just my findings and thoughts.

. Yas right there sky cat no matter how nice they may look better off has three day old Welps atb bunnys
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Well the vets where he's registered with wanted £295.30 for both removed any how after biting my lip and telling them where to go nicely (they did save his life) I declined there greed and won't shame them Wilsons at bishop Auckland I decided to ring Darlington vets near faverdale industrial estate who my ferrets are registered with only wanted £100 for the same saving £195 so he went in Thursday morning out Thursday night all done now for the recovery ATB markattachicon.gifPhotoChooser-046fd4df-68d4-4c78-99d5-c5fb3fb81638compressed.jpg

that good saving that, it paid you to shop around then :thumbs: .as said always get them off as young pups , because the money you save and if mature dog in sick bay . if i ever have another lurcher pup i makes sure the removed before i have them.

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Holy shit 300 for two dew claws???? :blink:

P.S. I had to double take at that photo.... that dog is the absolute spit of mine ;)

What's the breeding in yours mushroom and dog or bitch might as well tell me how tall too lol
Here is my mong, 27ish, coursing bred out of Romeo, the photo says it all really.. just think "the dude" out of big labouski but not as cool ???




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Holy shit 300 for two dew claws???? :blink:

P.S. I had to double take at that photo.... that dog is the absolute spit of mine ;)

What's the breeding in yours mushroom and dog or bitch might as well tell me how tall too lol

Here is my mong, 27ish, coursing bred out of Romeo, the photo says it all really.. just think "the dude" out of big labouski but not as cool Cannot be much fun for him either having a roller blading doyle like yee to contend with

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  • 6 years later...
2 hours ago, Joanne Gordon said:

I understand that dew claws are attached to 5 different tendons and do help if coursing  and turning. However, if puppies can have them removed at two days old, I like that option. Never any problems, and a clean look.


And that's what counts

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I’ve said this before on a post. 
Two old dog men, sadly no longer with us, who I had a lot of respect for, had completely opposite views on dew claws.

Typp Ratcher  would penalise any dog with dew claws when he was judging lurcher shows, and I had many a “discussion” with him about this but he was adamant that they should be removed.

Paul Sagar, the saluki man was just as adamant that they should NOT be removed as they were attached to a tendon that went across the wrist and would weaken the wrist if removed.

So, who knows, I’ve had dogs with and without dew claws and to be honest, it didn’t make a ha’porth of difference to their performance.


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29 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

I’ve said this before on a post. 
Two old dog men, sadly no longer with us, who I had a lot of respect for, had completely opposite views on dew claws.

Typp Ratcher  would penalise any dog with dew claws when he was judging lurcher shows, and I had many a “discussion” with him about this but he was adamant that they should be removed.

Paul Sagar, the saluki man was just as adamant that they should NOT be removed as they were attached to a tendon that went across the wrist and would weaken the wrist if removed.

So, who knows, I’ve had dogs with and without dew claws and to be honest, it didn’t make a ha’porth of difference to their performance.


the only difference i’ve found is without there never  are laid up with them 

id take off every time myself

Edited by mC HULL
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