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If you cant get it sorted


looks like me and viz are off to Scarborough for the night


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

It's sorted cheers

All burrs gone and polished t feck :)

Gonna de blu it tonight and put her back together

Atb si


We may still come for a night on the pish :laugh:


:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:


any time jimmy :drink::hunter::thumbs:

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well its back together now and had a coat of oil I'm happy with it, its not perfect but neither is its owner so its a good match well happy with the outcome, think it just looked bland before!

i brought a hw 95 the other day and what with the long nights and some of the lads wanting to lighten stocks... it got me thinking, i don't really go a load on light stocks... the only reason i bough

well its back together and sweet as a nut i polished the piston with my drill and scotchbrite and de burred the the piston channel cos it was lumpy as f... also sanded out the tool marks/gouges off

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well its back together and sweet as a nut :thumbs:

i polished the piston with my drill and scotchbrite and de burred the the piston channel cos it was lumpy as f... also sanded out the tool marks/gouges off the latch rod catch then polished!

the inside of the piston chamber was rough with none of the burr removed from machining :icon_eek:

so i gave it the scotchbrite treatment!!

the spring was rough and the ends were shite so i filed them then polished the whole thing..

when re assembling i put two 1mm polished and greased penny washers front of the spring so it can turn when compressed!

then gave the piston chamber a good degrees then a very light film of cv boot moly, then re assembled!





the finished product... the cocking is smooth with no noise at all,the kick has gone due to the spring being able to move freely with no twang :thumbs:

the trigger is ace now, only degreased and re greased the sears as they well finished anyway!

not gonna bother polishing the rifle, managed to tone down the blacking/bluing to a nice gunmetal grey that i like!!


so it now shoots lovely and passes the pellet on the turret test :thumbs: result :D

save yourself a few quid and have a go, its not that hard!!

atb si

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That's a nice collection Si :thumbs:

Kudos sir :yes:

....... all that's missing is a .25 ;)

Cheers Jon

Never been tempted with a .25 but a .20 is a different matter:)

All purchases on hold till after the bearded bloke in the red suit has been!! Lol

Atb si

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That's a nice collection Si :thumbs:

Kudos sir :yes:

....... all that's missing is a .25 ;)

Cheers Jon

Never been tempted with a .25 but a .20 is a different matter:)

All purchases on hold till after the bearded bloke in the red suit has been!! Lol

Atb si

Ah yes, .20. I've never tried it - I always favoured a .177 with a heavy pellet. I may give it a whirl in the future :thumbs:


.25 in sub 12 was fun but, I just wasn't good enough to use it a constant hunting tool.


I did have a go on a mates .25 that was running at near 50ftlb - that was very effective :o


I know what you mean about Christmas though mate - It's time to put any of my serious purchases on hold for a while.

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Haha.... .25 @50lb sounds fun

Bet it would be ace for the crows :)

It was mate - it knocked pigeons clean out of trees.


I was still trying to get within range when my mate asked me what I was doing.


He took the rifle and took a shot that was at least 70yrds. The Pigeon just dropped :o


My .25 Matador was running at around 11.5. I hit a pigeon with that at 20ish yards and the thump was unbelievable - I almost felt sorry for it.

It came down without a twitch though :thumbs:

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I like that si i like that a,lot


Now about that mark on the stock when did that happen


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

How many times did you look at the pic of the rifle or the rifle before you new i was pulling your leg lol :laugh:


and how many of you lot did :laugh:


nice collection SI


a few more and you will have the same as me and LH ;)


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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I like that si i like that a,lot


Now about that mark on the stock when did that happen


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:


How many times did you look at the pic of the rifle or the rifle before you new i was pulling your leg lol :laugh:


and how many of you lot did :laugh:


nice collection SI


a few more and you will have the same as me and LH ;)



atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Got to confess I did have a look!!! Twat :)

Bet it'll have a scratch of two after tomorrow, taking a day off:)

Gonna see how it gets on with jonjon's hornets

Atb si

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i took today off work as me school run helps on holiday!

so i took the opportunity to lead in the hw95 and bed the spring in, this home tune is spot on :thumbs:

i forgot me accupell ft's so I've been using aa field which work fine but are a bit soft for my liking!

put about 200 pellets through her shooting at a target 30m away... the shots were not the best but thats down to me, i was shooting off a kitchen sideboard and couldn't hold the fecking thing perfectly still:(

i wasn't specifically trying just chasing pellet holes!



so i got the wildcat out of the car and the results were the same..... so i new it was spot on!!

theres no cocking noise at all and no spring twang what so ever :thumbs: the recoil is on a par with the tx!! if anything its maybe less and quieter too :blink:

took it out hunting this aft and it put in an ace performance and I'm well happy,,, its the first time in ages that I've had a full on springer day and its been ace!!

think the pcp's are going to get a rest :laugh:

atb si

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