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well its back together now and had a coat of oil I'm happy with it, its not perfect but neither is its owner so its a good match well happy with the outcome, think it just looked bland before!

i brought a hw 95 the other day and what with the long nights and some of the lads wanting to lighten stocks... it got me thinking, i don't really go a load on light stocks... the only reason i bough

well its back together and sweet as a nut i polished the piston with my drill and scotchbrite and de burred the the piston channel cos it was lumpy as f... also sanded out the tool marks/gouges off

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tonight i stripped the 95 to see what the internals were like:(

its no airarms thats for sure, some of the contact points are rough as fcuk!!

thought it would take an hour to strip it down polish a few bits and hay presto....

not a chance!

the spring ends are sharp and rough, the cocking shoe guides in the piston and compression chamber are to say the least lumpy :blink:

the internal piston sleeve inset is horrific theres nothing to let the spring slide/move on the firing cycle!!!

wtf i thought ze germans where good with engineering!

this is all doable with a bit of time and a few washers but i can't believe there happy to send stuff out like this!

think its safe to say a home tune will make a big difference :thumbs:




atb si

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Hey si that looks pretty good considering what mine was like! It was a discrace!


On mine it still had the split pipe spring guide and the older style cocking shoe that presses against the piston sleeve and damages it. You will allready know but I found out from researching the new version cocking shoe (bout 7 quid from chambers) has supports top and bottom and uses cocking arm cut out on the the cyl an a rail supported both sides so no pressure on the piston sleeve or pushing the piston against the top of the cyl when cocking.



On mine it was scraped on the piston and cyl due to this and when I started polishing the marks away bloody hell that metal is tough!

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If you cant get it sorted


looks like me and viz are off to Scarborough for the night


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

It's sorted cheers

All burrs gone and polished t feck :)

Gonna de blu it tonight and put her back together

Atb si


We may still come for a night on the pish :laugh:


:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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