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Is it just me or is everyone trying to be a victim of some sort of discrimination. Ive read in the sun about a young lad who brought a girls toy up to a cashier and the cashier asked was he sure he had the right toy and did he want the boy version instead.and now his mother is acusing her of gender shaming her son wtf is wrong with people if anyone made the boy out to look like a little poof its the mother telling the whole fooking world her boy likes girls toys.

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Stone the crows what a miserable bunch of b*****ds some folk no wonder communities are breaking down when we cant even be bothered to make small talk and be generally polite !.....if i got in a black

You really are a bundle of joy!! FFS get a life.   TC

I live on a road that leads to a farm with only a few houses on it ... when I first moved here it took one of the neighbours months to say anything to me and when he did and we got talking he admitted

Tbh its none of the cashiers business. I get it often when i put shopping up. Cashiers saying " oh never tried that is it good or does that stuff work or if you buy 2 you get a third free"


look just ring the stuff up and stop talking to me.

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Tbh its none of the cashiers business. I get it often when i put shopping up. Cashiers saying " oh never tried that is it good or does that stuff work or if you buy 2 you get a third free"


look just ring the stuff up and stop talking to me.

You really are a bundle of joy!! FFS get a life.



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Is it just me or is everyone trying to be a victim of some sort of discrimination. Ive read in the sun about a young lad who brought a girls toy up to a cashier and the cashier asked was he sure he had the right toy and did he want the boy version instead.and now his mother is acusing her of gender shaming her son wtf is wrong with people if anyone made the boy out to look like a little poof its the mother telling the whole fooking world her boy likes girls toys.


problem is theirs a platform for everybody to air their grievence and with the internet it can take off and become something big . Shit like that has gone on for ages . Pompous people moaning about everything , just modern day people get the attention they crave .


Years ago when i was a kid i was at a car boot sale with my old man and a local business owner was leaving the car park and flicked his smoke out the car and it bounced off my body . I was only a kid . Back then my dad shouted at the car and gave him a load of grief and he apologised unreservedly and ended up as nothing . He didnt mean it just wasnt looking where he flicked it as he drove out. My old man got to lose his rag with him .


If that happened now to somebody different to my dad , they wouldldnt say anything at the time. Go home and post it on facebook or twitter and create a shit storm with a embelished version of events completely unchecked for facts . The business man would be shamed and be forced to apologise (even if he didnt remember it ) if the ;ocal rag got hold of it it would be spun into a story to make them money .


Facebook and twitter plus the newspapers who report on absolutly anything brought us to this point . Always a coin to made somewhere .

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Tbh its none of the cashiers business. I get it often when i put shopping up. Cashiers saying " oh never tried that is it good or does that stuff work or if you buy 2 you get a third free"


look just ring the stuff up and stop talking to me.


i dont mind cashiers and people serving me wherever its hairdressers i hate talking to . Had the exact same conversation with the hairdreeser over 5 years . " what you doing for work now , Hows the kids etc"

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Tbh its none of the cashiers business. I get it often when i put shopping up. Cashiers saying " oh never tried that is it good or does that stuff work or if you buy 2 you get a third free"

look just ring the stuff up and stop talking to me.


I get that it was none of her business but it was just a harmless qeistion.the poor woman will be getting abuse left right and center because some cnut wants a few likes on fb an her pic in the paper.

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Tbh its none of the cashiers business. I get it often when i put shopping up. Cashiers saying " oh never tried that is it good or does that stuff work or if you buy 2 you get a third free"

look just ring the stuff up and stop talking to me.

i dont mind cashiers and people serving me wherever its hairdressers i hate talking to . Had the exact same conversation with the hairdreeser over 5 years . " what you doing for work now , Hows the kids etc"


Just start making shit up, amd get worse everytime they ask Haha



it was a girl i was in school with so i should have had a little fun with her . " Yeah im just back from working in a diamond mine in south africa "

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Tbh its none of the cashiers business. I get it often when i put shopping up. Cashiers saying " oh never tried that is it good or does that stuff work or if you buy 2 you get a third free"

look just ring the stuff up and stop talking to me.


You really are a bundle of joy!! FFS get a life.



I have a life just don't want to discuss it with strangers.

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Tbh its none of the cashiers business. I get it often when i put shopping up. Cashiers saying " oh never tried that is it good or does that stuff work or if you buy 2 you get a third free"

look just ring the stuff up and stop talking to me.

i dont mind cashiers and people serving me wherever its hairdressers i hate talking to . Had the exact same conversation with the hairdreeser over 5 years . " what you doing for work now , Hows the kids etc"

Just start making shit up, amd get worse everytime they ask Haha

it was a girl i was in school with so i should have had a little fun with her . " Yeah im just back from working in a diamond mine in south africa "

Id have more fun than that, tell her you been stuck at home all day while builders finished your torture chamber or you just finished filming blonde bum bandits lolmi once told a nosey neighbour i leave house at 5 every morning as thats when ginger prostitutes are cheapest lol he just nods now and dont utter a word lol



saying that a bloke in town was selling the pub he owned and he went round telling everybody he was in the process of selling it to a strip club . Went along with it for a good month . Should have seen the busy body women getting up in arms about it . Think they were genuinly gutted when it turned out to be just another landlord

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Tbh its none of the cashiers business. I get it often when i put shopping up. Cashiers saying " oh never tried that is it good or does that stuff work or if you buy 2 you get a third free"

look just ring the stuff up and stop talking to me.


i dont mind cashiers and people serving me wherever its hairdressers i hate talking to . Had the exact same conversation with the hairdreeser over 5 years . " what you doing for work now , Hows the kids etc"

Taxi drivers are worse mate.

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I live on a road that leads to a farm with only a few houses on it ... when I first moved here it took one of the neighbours months to say anything to me and when he did and we got talking he admitted that because I left the house at all times of day and night with a gun over my shoulder he and his missus had convinced themselves I was a hitman lol ... fukcing numpty ........

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I live on a road that leads to a farm with only a few houses on it ... when I first moved here it took one of the neighbours months to say anything to me and when he did and we got talking he admitted that because I left the house at all times of day and night with a gun over my shoulder he and his missus had convinced themselves I was a hitman lol ... fukcing numpty ........

That was a close one, your cover was nearly blown! :laugh:

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I live on a road that leads to a farm with only a few houses on it ... when I first moved here it took one of the neighbours months to say anything to me and when he did and we got talking he admitted that because I left the house at all times of day and night with a gun over my shoulder he and his missus had convinced themselves I was a hitman lol ... fukcing numpty ........

That was a close one, your cover was nearly blown! :laugh:

He is safe now the neighbour has went missing..lol

Some people watch far to much TV and let their imaginations run wild lol ......

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