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Whats the earliest time


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In your opinion. Whats the earliest time to go out longnetting at this time of year?


Tonight is windy wet and dark and its only 5:45pm your thoughts


Regards Roger

Before light pollution and traffic noise the old boys used to say the first and last two hours of darkness were best.Me and my mate used to go when the pub shut,but we were only playing at it.

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In your opinion. Whats the earliest time to go out longnetting at this time of year?


Tonight is windy wet and dark and its only 5:45pm your thoughts


Regards Roger

After the pub shuts is not a bad idea. It all depends on your ground too. Light pollution is a killer near cities etc, however if you're lucky enough to have any blind sets (ie sets where the is a small hill or obstruction between you and the rabbits) you're laughing. It also depends what you're after, as some of the guys on here are pro's, but if you just want a few for the pot, pick your best blind sets and go about 7 , you'll get a few. The downside to this is that some rabbits get educated and are then quite wary for a while. Some sets are best done in the morning. If you work and there's a good blow forecast, set the clock and have a couple of drops before work. Good luck :thumbs:

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In your opinion. Whats the earliest time to go out longnetting at this time of year?


Regards Roger



when the rabbits are out feeding, NO IM NOT TAKING THE PISS.


get to know your drops and the rabbits habbits, are they early or late feeders? if they are early feeders do they travel out far enough to set a net without being noticed?


all these things need to be known, not just a case of bimbling along to drop your nets :hmm:

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All very good points. I have also heard to feel the rabbits tummys of the ones you have all caught to get an indication of whether they have been out feeding for long or not.


One area i have been ferreting intensively has now had two longnetting seasons and i only caught three. The rape is growing ok as well so i think my mission is complete. All I have to do is look at a couple more fields but they never have the wind in the right direction so i guess i might have to do a follow up ferreting season on this area to complete the job.


Regards Roger.

Edited by R_Oldroyd
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quote; I have also heard to feel the rabbits tummys of the ones you have all caught to get an indication of whether they have been out feeding for long or not.



sod feeling them, just look at their stomachs when ya gut them

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Don't ever gut them, they all go to the game dealer and they do all that messy stuff. I feed entire rabbits to ferrets. So I have to go on feel.


Regards Roger.


P.S never mastered the art of cooking rabbit but I guess thats another thread.

Edited by R_Oldroyd
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