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Mid Tube Or Stopped End

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How long is a piece of string ? There are so many answers to the original question that a whole book could be wrote on the subject. I've known earths with no stop ends in them and some of them had f

if you dig to a dog baying in mid tube and lift the dog and the quarry goes on about its business. How can you call it a successful dig to humanely dispatch quarry that's not there? . Different story

I have seen and dug to terriers to grips mid-tube and soon as you break the terrier of the quarry is gone and you thinking it was a stop-end nothing can be done in that situation bar to take hold of b

I class a dig as a successful dig when the quarry is accounted for and the dog is working it. The only time you should break through mid tube is when the dog has hold of the quarry mid tube.

I have dug to cowardly dogs baying a few feet from their quarry, I don't think that's classed as mid tube though as the quarry wasn't close on break through.

What makes you ask the question mate?

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if you dig to a dog baying in mid tube and lift the dog and the quarry goes on about its business. How can you call it a successful dig to humanely dispatch quarry that's not there? . Different story if the dog has hold and you take them both out. If your doing a job for a shoot or a farmer, will he think you know what your doing if all he see's is you holding your terrier saying it was a success? I wouldn't think it. Seen dogs lifted a few times in certain situations but that's a different scenario.

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I class a dig as a successful dig when the quarry is accounted for and the dog is working it. The only time you should break through mid tube is when the dog has hold of the quarry mid tube.

I have dug to cowardly dogs baying a few feet from their quarry, I don't think that's classed as mid tube though as the quarry wasn't close on break through.

What makes you ask the question mate?

Just on another site a fella dug his dog mid tube, seen the quarry but S he lifted the terrier it ran on up the tube, which most classed as a dog, but a few didn't, I was always told the terrier should have quarry at a stop end or unless it's in grips in mid tube, if it's baying mid tube then it's not putting enough pressure on the quarry to move, then as soon as u lift the terrier, the quarry is gone, just thought I would put it to more terrier men to see wat they think

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Surely if it gets away fairly then its you or the dogs fault or both , or dog or you unsuccessful. Things that you see happen as a dog in the making and how it proved itself can only reflect on ones experience . and ahead of that , the game , what it was about and how he had held his status for seasons . no pushover. And one hole dug to be accounted for !

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Dog I dug two last season stopped everything mid tub ! Few times we broke him off as we broke through but he always got back to them he was to hard for his own good !! On a dig the weekend end the quarry run the terrier around for over a hour big place hardly no stop ends dug them mid tub in the end !! If the job gets done its done say no more

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If you cant get the game out of the earth, the dog hasn't done its job. You might as well dig to a dog barking at scent.

and what if the game was easy , green, and dog built up confidence to have it easy like that , just a Bayer who can easy take advantage , would you go for that because I wouldn't . some fellas would and would go on about it. The dog. But you think if you met it next time or if it seen a dozen more digs or dogs in its time , through several seasons. Then you know what you have . maybe a good hard dog would hold him in a tube after running into it and the game just wanting get away. But a good dog as any to me is one who run the hard man who doesn't want to go in a stop and when he knew to charge him to go into the tube and gone the dog held the hardy bstard till dug too . not just once but through his career , it can't start letting things go that don't suit . it has to do its up most. Stay . find . dug too. Preverbly pushed in a stop by the dog . no interfere . no noise .people on the bank.
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I have seen and dug to terriers to grips mid-tube and soon as you break the terrier of the quarry is gone and you thinking it was a stop-end nothing can be done in that situation bar to take hold of both terrier and quarry,but to break through to a terrier baying in mid-tube and soon as the quarry see's daylight it says not happy here and its away is a f**k up in my book,a decent terrier should push its quarry to a stop if not its not giving 100% imho.

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