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I have been doing a little research into this subject for my Ultra and the word amongst people in the know is that XTX huma reg is about as good as it gets. I know Airtech regs are spot on as well but Carl is going away to China on family matters so perhaps not so straight forward.


Cloverleaf on AGF is actually fitting a Huma reg on his AA rifle which might give you a bit more insight and XTX has full instructions on how to fit that a few guys have said are very good.



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yes as Philpot says im away in china at the moment and will be until the end of november. i can still log on to airgun forums but not facebook, fitting a reg to a air arms rifle, is not as simple as the videos make out i have been there done that and found out the hard way. for a start the brass valve spring valve return spring holder needs modding once i did that i then found out the air flow around the valve head was not good.you realy struggle to get the power from the rifle unless you turn up the reg pressure. and thats defeating the object.

so what i do is remove the top of the brass knock open valve spring retainer. then i put the complete valve into my milling machine and mill 2 off half circles into the valve body going right down to with in 0.2 of the valve seat. once that is done the air now flows down these two cut outs straight past the obstruction of the valve spring and brass retainer. you will then find you can get well over 12ft. all you need to do then is reduce the air volume behind the reg to reduce the power of the rifle. once thats done the hammer spring is way too heavy so you need change that. once these mods are done the rifle will perform much better with no power curve. but if your not prepaired to do these mods then your waisting your time the money spent wont give you what you was expecting.

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