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Ferret Being Too Rough With Young Ferret

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So I followed your advice as some of you recommended to get my single ferret a pal.

So I collected the new addition on Friday eve, let them get to know each other in the house until I was sure they were getting along and they have been together since.

Problem is my older ferret (4/5 months old) plays so rough with the new one, and the new one is literally tiny (smallest in a small litter).

I'm yet to see her stick up for her self, she gets jumped on and flattened, scruffed and just generally pestered.

She squeaks when she's had enough but mine will just hide around the next corner and pounce again.

I don't think she's particularly hurting her as such but defiantly being very annoying, and the other just wanders along minding her own buisness and then gets flatterened out of nowhere.

I believe mine wants the smaller ferret to play as she's hyped up full of energy I don't think it's malicious but still it's not nice to hear the little one sqeaking.

There's plenty of pipes and boxes in the cage for her to escape being pestered and every time I check on them they are huddled up asleep together so all can't be too bad just wish the little one would give her a sharp nip and that might put her in her place?

I read that deaf ferrets are more vocal due to not being able to hear themselves and this one after observing appears to be deaf (she's a black eyed white) anybody else heard this?

I know I could separate them but I'd need to get another cage and it's half defeating the object when I got her for some company to the other.

But clearly if she was in danger then I wouldn't think twice.

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It's normal, the older one is just making sure the younger one knows who's boss, plus they are both still babies so will be more playful than an adult and ferrets play rough.

My oldest jill is getting on now and the younger ones always bully and steal food from her, but she's fit and healthy so she's getting plenty to eat.

I tried to put another hob in with mine last year and believe me, if they mean it you soon know, I had 2 half dead hobs within a couple of days.

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Ferrets just play rough, as long as there's no blood (or stabbing), pee, poop or screaming (the most awful noise a ferret can make) everything is fine and you should just leave them to it. Though putting a nesting box with a hole big enough for only the smaller one to get into would be a good idea so she can get some peace from the rough play when she's had enough.


With the deafness, it's a possibility but can't really be sure unless any other behaviours associated with being deaf are presented to such as tipping their head back when you pick them up, random vocalisation and defensively fluffing up at nothing.

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Agree with what the other posters have said I keep 11 together and they all get on brillliantly. You've 100% done the right thing getting another one as I strongly feel ferrets don't do well on there own very sociable intelligent anilmals that like company. Good luck with them! Atb

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:thumbs: that silver one looks like one of mine.





Is this a Jill too?

Their both supposed to be silver, the one I assume you mean that looks like yours is more yellow and black .

Others silver but only has a small amount on her back and a silver tail, I'm sure she will end up white.



yeh mines more like the yellow black one of yours.. ..I don't go for colors just types. :thumbs:

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Micheala, That older kit is a cracker, just like the ferrets of my youth. There were no fancy colours back then, most were just a dirty yellow colour ,but their physique was just like your kit's, long in body, long neck, good arch in the back, a good long tail and kept only for work. Perhaps the last remnants of the old greyhound types ? I'd like to think there are still a few more of the long, lean, mean machines about. Could do with a couple myself !

Thank you, been wondering what the term greyhound ferret meant, so that explained perfectly.

I can put you in touch with the breeder if you like? They are not from working parents though unfortunately, going to get the older one out shortly so time will tell if that has a effect or not as heard mixed reviews.

The younger one is from working parents both ratting and ferreting I believe she will turn into a nice looking type but she's only 12 weeks old so at that slightly ugly stage, but will be much smaller so probably not what you would call a greyhound ferret.

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