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Dianne Abbott Is Ashamed To Be British

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She is horrible fat ugly self serving c**t. Not even intelligent either. The only reason she got where she was today because she was nothing more than a token black! blames whites for everything, but

That poster has been around a while now and that isn't a direct quote from her, make no mistake that this woman is a loathsome self hating greedy apologist who only seeks to tell people what they "sho

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She is horrible fat ugly self serving c**t. Not even intelligent either. The only reason she got where she was today because she was nothing more than a token black! blames whites for everything, but ignores the crime from the black community, and when confronted with black crime stats either denies it or blames it on institutionlised racisim.


If she isnt sacked this time then i fear for this country. No white person would ever keep a public job for coming out with a statement like that! I wish her all the misfortune in the world!

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A face I could never tire of punching.


As Scot said, no white person would be allowed to keep their job after talking like that.


When someone as obviously racist as she is talks about other people being racist, it makes you wonder if she even understands what the word means.

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Some other Labour numpty, Chi Onwurah (from Newcastle :hmm:) has got her knickers in a twist about a poster that was "left lying about" in parliament. :laugh:


Apparently it mocks refugees and is xenophobic. I don't think it does any such thing. It mocks the do-gooders letting all and sundry into our country without adequate checks on who they are.



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Tbh at times I wonder what a country like ours is becoming, it ain't great anymore, and in 20 or so years I shudder to think.


I can only speak for the southeast and let me tell you, it's f****d !

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