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Little Hunters New Rifle

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Well as most will know Si and his better half have been up to mine for the week end


i was going to take him to the rfd,s the day they landed along with LH to pick LH new Xmas present a new tx200 hc


But Si went and got his out of the car and little hunter had a few go,s of loading it and fire.ring


it the bear trap was no problem to him and soon he was loading it up like it was second nature to him .


The rifle was not to heavy for him ether (a sine that he is growing up and as has been say,d not so little any more )


So a deal was done with Si and the rifle is little hunters its only a few mths old as Si got it new and its fitted with 3,9,40 scopes hawks


Mark and CC it in your fav cal 177


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:









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That is a stunning looking gun!

She is a stunning stock Tom and JJ but its got some nice grain that is hidden and needs to be fetched out as the stock is dark some thing that me and Vis has noticed with the new air arms wood lately and there getting heaver to


atvbmac :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

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.177 too the lad knows his onions by jingo.

LOL ,,well im not saying any thing against 177 any more as i did not do to bad the other night with the hw100s carbine in 177 .


All im going to say is there as good as each(177 and 22) other in the right hands


from now on CC


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:


Ps,,out of likes lads


so a :thumbs: will have to do for now

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It is quite strange with these stocks, all the demo guns at the fairs have a superb light walnut and then when they come, they are all bloody dark. I know you told me what to do Jimmy in order to make it lighter but I'm just not in love with it..................................fcuking springers...........................bahumbug.



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