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Border/lakey Pup.

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Who said it got put down ??? 5 working terriers , 3 were mine 2 me mates dogs they were all worked together on rats a hell of a lot and all got on with the job never had any trouble with fighting,they were penned together in my mates run before we used to go ratting while we had a cuppa and a bit craic ,again no trouble we could see them though kitchen window so no trouble there Neil ??

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This B and T would bite anybody went to lift him from a dig(except me)he bit loads of people when doing his work( I would encourage people to hand him up to me LOL)he gave us many a laugh at a dig.

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  On 24/10/2016 at 14:55, mick81 said:

Who said it got put down ??? 5 working terriers , 3 were mine 2 me mates dogs they were all worked together on rats a hell of a lot and all got on with the job never had any trouble with fighting,they were penned together in my mates run before we used to go ratting while we had a cuppa and a bit craic ,again no trouble we could see them though kitchen window so no trouble there Neil

My post was mostly aimed at those who'd put down a terrier for getting in a kennel fight or biting someone in the heat of the moment.

It was Kings post after your's where he mentioned PTS that made me presume the terrier had been destroyed, so apologies for my mistake.

BUT, you did say that the black terrier attacked both your Border/Lakies nearly killing one.

Terriers don't "nearly" kill one another in a 2 minute skirmish while out hunting.

Terriers nearly kill one another in a 20 or 30 minute kennel fight.

I'd say your use of the words "nearly killed" was an exaggeration.

Getting rid of the black terrier because you hunt your terriers as a rat pack is understandable. If you were a digging man who got rid of a terrier just because it did what terriers do then I'd say that's a bad job.

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  On 24/10/2016 at 14:23, liamdelaney said:

attachicon.gifworking terriers 002.jpgThis B and T would bite anybody went to lift him from a dig(except me)he bit loads of people when doing his work( I would encourage people to hand him up to me LOL)he gave us many a laugh at a dig.

Other than giving ye a laugh on a dig Liam was there another reason you kept him ?

I bet there was.

I have a bitch here at the moment who if she was in a bad mood would eat you.

But that's not the reason she's touching 9 year of age.



LOL, they reckon there's a very fine line between madness and genius, LOL.

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  On 24/10/2016 at 12:50, neil cooney said:

Maybe I'm the one that's wrong but 5 working terriers in a pen together will, at some stage, result in carnage and to put a terrier down for being a terrier is not on IMO. Especially if he was a good worker.

Even a pet poodle will bite you in the heat of battle. I've been bitten several times, my daughter has scars on her leg since she was 8 or 9 and even when the ex-wife got badly bitten I still wouldn't destroy the terrier. At the end of the day nearly every instance was my fault for allowing those terriers to get at each other in the first place.

Having a good row is a terrier thing and the best way to stop a fight is to not let it happen in the first place.

Like I said, maybe I'm the one that's wrong.

Ive a good few staffs and many a fight ive had to break up.when they are really going for it.ive been bitten a few fimes while getting hold of a collar to break 1 off accidently by the dogs.

But i will say that once ive broken them if a dog decides to have a good prolonged attack of me i wouldnt hesitate to pts.

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Used to see some tidy looking border Lakeland when I started following terriers after Russell's. The best of them was a mates dog who inspired me , him. Dog called big todd , mother to it was a actually a russel of his brother and law , a good digging man also , no bullshit . the other one little todd was even smarter looking , proper border lakie unfortynatly been ruined like a good few at six , eight months . the man got him working to how should be but wasnt as good. They were bad were fighting around the kennels . same lad with big todd got another border lakie in. Other man had blacks . needless to say , the big todd was getting dug to the most , so i was told . saw them out myself . them days the was out alot.

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