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First Time Ferreting...

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Had a well earned day off work today, and the misses wanted to go ferreting (wtf).

She done the sarnies last night and and was asking all these questions bout ferreting, how do you place a net, how do you use the long net, how do you know if a rabbits home (her words on that one thought it was funny).


So we got the kids to nursery and school, and set off at 10, got there and not one rabbit out in the fields no new signs and it had rained overnight, but the weather was gorgeous sun was out and when in the dips the wind was ok too.


Found one warren with some fresh droppings on so gave it a try, she helped net the 12 holes, i checked secretly, looked ok, ferret goes in.


Nothing for ten minutes, then i hear thumping so i know somethings in there, ferret comes out and back in another hole down the hill, i tell her to stand by that hole while i walk round to the top, as i turn my back, she screams, rabbit bolts right beside her, funny as tommy cooper.


We tried 3 more smallish warrens with no joy, so dont know where the rabbits are, maybe in the hedge lines due to the cold, but im not doing them till i get a ferret finder.


My thinking is that my misses thinks im mad to be out doing this on sunday mornings, but she said she would like to come again.



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