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Just Testing Pic Size..

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Yes the link is on but not a photo just the link. I use photobucket from the phone very rarely but it can be done. I have PB on both the computer and phone, quite often taking photo's on the phone and installing them to PB actually on the phone then download to the forum if needed. Once you get used to it, very easy and quick to use and you finish up with an actual photo rather than a link


such as





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I can see your link Steg - it looks like a nice bit of land for ambushing.


I'm always on here with a smartphone - can't be doing with all that pissing about with laptops and tablets - too much technology for me :rolleyes:


I add pics by changing the forum view to normal mode, instead of mobile.

Then, under the dialogue box, I press 'more reply options'.

Then, I press 'select file' - from here, I can chose a picture from my phones memory. I do have to crop them so that they meet the 500mb limit.

Then, I press 'add selected file'.


And that's it - this simpleton has added a pic :thumbs:

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