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Any Deerhound Based X Pup Suggestions.....

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Deer/grey playing on the beach        

Whilst the Germans don't kill Jews anymore some people still want to have the same pot filling lurchers or whippets like some people still use a catapult,yes they fell out of favour for bull xs or sal

Been thinking of getting a pup out of this old un before he gets to old.... if i find the right bitch

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People's views may be based on dogs they have seen of certain crosses that didn't make the grade, but the majority of dogs are bred for the wrong reasons these days, and aren't from properly tested animals that deserve to be bred from, and let's not forget a lot more dogs are let down by there owners than owners by there dogs..... but to stir the pot a bit more, in the alround stakes you aren't beating a saluki bull greyhound

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  On 23/10/2016 at 21:39, mud said:

I've seen collie xs take fox with ease and I've seen them spit them out,also I've seen and HAD bull xs take fox with ease and spit them out,I've witnessed a bull xs with the right breeding in the mix spit 5 fox out one after another in three hours so I'd say it's definitely not the breed of the dog if the dog wants to it will if it doesn't well ...

I agree, Iv seen and owned well bred bull X's spew fox, My mate has a bull collie greyhound that's a great fox dog but you have to be honest with yourself, if your looking a for a good foxing dog and I tell you I have a pup here he's a bull greyhound out of very good stuff and I also have a collie greyhound here out of very good stuff, which one are you going to give a chance? Like I said Iv got nothing against a collie cross I wouldn't own another again but for someone to say every lurcher should have 1/4 collie in it is delusional, I swear by a bull cross but I wouldn't even say every lurcher should have bull blood in

Edited by Shaddy93
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  On 23/10/2016 at 08:32, ratmogit said:

I'm after a pup, I've been looking for ages and I'm struggling. I was originally set on a half cross, but can't really find anything, so looking for suggestions and any decent litters around or planned?? (not keen on collies) thanks

Sent you a PM,cheers.
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  On 24/10/2016 at 09:05, Pocket poacher said:

Had a collie x sire was Arthur yes Hancock stuff... but seriously one of The best dogs I've had nose was unbelievable speed like a grey, and would tackle ANYTHINK. I would defo have another

know a few dogs out of Arthur doing all game, obviously some lack abit of speed for hares. Also know of double bred pups off a arthur x bitch to a Arthur x dog, that killing foxes 10 and 11months old not a bother.

Also know of merlin bred dogs, merlin out of Arthur, taking all game and speed to spare.

But don't forget now, hancocks are shite and I'm a liar

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I would like a collie cross like the ones you hear about on here, but I wouldn't take the risk running one on because I have seen a few that were utter shite, not saying I don't believe people have good dogs but seems a bit hit and miss for me to run a pup on for 18 month for nothing

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  On 24/10/2016 at 09:05, Pocket poacher said:

Had a collie x sire was Arthur yes Hancock stuff... but seriously one of The best dogs I've had nose was unbelievable speed like a grey, and would tackle ANYTHINK. I would defo have another

was it a dog or bitch, what size?

Edited by Marvel
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