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Any Deerhound Based X Pup Suggestions.....

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I've seen many a saluki cross that was good at the game they were bred for and owned by big money match men, and even they admitted fox was not their forte, personally I'm not a fan of the straight collie crosses but I have seen a good few dogs excel on fox that had collie in their makeup

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  On 23/10/2016 at 19:57, timmy k said:

I've seen many a saluki cross that was good at the game they were bred for and owned by big money match men, and even they admitted fox was not their forte, personally I'm not a fan of the straight collie crosses but I have seen a good few dogs excel on fox that had collie in their makeup

Ha say what you like you can try and tell me something with collie blood in the mix is the way forward for things that bite back but If I'm totally honest I think your abit wet! I can't take you seriously, your going off the subject I'm not going to argue with you about collie greyhound 'excelling' on things that bite back because it's laughable I started off by asking why would someone suggest adding collie blood into it that is all

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  On 23/10/2016 at 19:51, Shaddy93 said:


  On 23/10/2016 at 19:32, timmy k said:

Shaddy once you wrote saluki greyhound in the mix might benefit a deerhound cross you lost all credibility, how can you say on one post a collie cross isn't likely to do teeth but then mention a saluki cross, have a good look at yer self in a mirror and punch yourself and never say that dirty saluki word again!!

Haha I don't run saluki crosses but I know a good number of lads that would laugh in your face for saying they don't like things that bite back that just shows you having seen any decent ones if youv seen any at all, yes I do run bull crosses and some of the best dogs Iv seen are collie greyhounds... for what they are bred for but I just think a deerhound collie greyhound isn't used much nowadays for a reason, if you want to run rabbits get yourself a beddy cross, if you want something for rabbit and the odd long ear on the lamp/daytime get a collie greyhound, you want something that's a jack of all trades get yourself a bull cross :) in all seriousness it's all self preference I like a good deerhound cross if I'm honest and I like a good collie greyhound but like Iv stated I can't see how putting collie blood into a deerhound greyhound could benefit it


By adding a little intensity into a cross which can sometimes be a little laid back?

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  On 23/10/2016 at 19:51, Shaddy93 said:


  On 23/10/2016 at 19:32, timmy k said:

Shaddy once you wrote saluki greyhound in the mix might benefit a deerhound cross you lost all credibility, how can you say on one post a collie cross isn't likely to do teeth but then mention a saluki cross, have a good look at yer self in a mirror and punch yourself and never say that dirty saluki word again!!

Haha I don't run saluki crosses but I know a good number of lads that would laugh in your face for saying they don't like things that bite back that just shows you having seen any decent ones if youv seen any at all, yes I do run bull crosses and some of the best dogs Iv seen are collie greyhounds... for what they are bred for but I just think a deerhound collie greyhound isn't used much nowadays for a reason, if you want to run rabbits get yourself a beddy cross, if you want something for rabbit and the odd long ear on the lamp/daytime get a collie greyhound, you want something that's a jack of all trades get yourself a bull cross :) in all seriousness it's all self preference I like a good deerhound cross if I'm honest and I like a good collie greyhound but like Iv stated I can't see how putting collie blood into a deerhound greyhound could benefit it


The majority of the lurchers ive owned over the last 3 decades have been heavily influenced by the Deerhound and Border in the mix,the Greyhound plays more than its fair share.Ive seen the fads come and go,ive seen what the bull offers and ive seen some good-uns,ive seen what many types offer and ive seen many that i rated,some very highly.Ive yet to find a mutt that could do it for me as well and as long as the mongrel that was Deerhoundy /Collie infused.The allrounder monicur is bandied about now with little realisation of what it takes to reach that type of standard,an heavily influenced bull is not capable of an allrounders standard,a well bred Deerhoundy/Collie set the trend,many other types certainly followed and a few may have surpassed,infrequently perhaps.Back to the original post id encourage the lad to source a useful Collie lurcher to augment the Deerhoundy,its a proven recipe,id possibly go with a few other choices,Beddy/Grey,Whippet/grey,even Saluki/Grey,they are all proven crosses in the field and offer more than they detract,the Bull/Grey as its purpose but more often takes more from the breeding purpose than what it offers.

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  On 23/10/2016 at 20:12, Somewhereyournot said:
Collie greyhounds only good for rabbits and the odd hare....

You couldn't make it up[/quote it's just a personal preference, I don't want it in the dog I'm looking for. I have been out lamping with people with them.

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To be honest Morton he did everything, but was used more on fox than anything else. It was quite a pain really he loved to kill things that fought back so much that I think he thought rabbits were below him and when he caught them he'd kill them and spit them out where as he was usually a great retrieving dog

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  On 23/10/2016 at 20:12, Somewhereyournot said:

Collie greyhounds only good for rabbits and the odd hare....

You couldn't make it up

Its a fact that Collie curs are the most ridiculed type out there now,its also a fact that many of the ones bred deserve every ounce of ridicule bestowed upon them.The majority of folk base what they know about these curs on what they have seen or more often by what they have heard.The folk that don,t listen to rumours and source with a little more effort will never be without the Collie influence in their charges,nothing else out there comes remotely close to what the Collie offers.Every lurcher,apart from Coursing stock,should have a 1/4 Collie in the mix.

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