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Lurchers Running From Motor

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  On 21/10/2016 at 22:48, ginger beard said:

some people pull into gate ways and shine over the gate then throw the dog out,then move on to the next gate way.those people are lazy down syndrome plebs.if you have 1000's of acres with no hedges then i can see the point but around here you'd struggle to drive over some of the land.

you get nothing throwing dogs over gates when you gate lamp you spot them stop and get in the field and call that's how you do it
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must be running some right shit dogs then because that's all we do get out and walk use the dogs ability rather than a motor and trust me we do just fine that's why the jobs f****d cranks driving.

That's a broad statement and only reall refers to bigger game,,,whilst I practice the method and use it to good effect on some land,,,   The biggest bags of rabbits have always been done on foot

back in t ,s we would just drive around country lanes stopping at gateways or a gap in hedgerow looking for teeth then a few "squeaks" with all sorts of things like polystyrene on window squeaky

  On 21/10/2016 at 22:54, 100% bull x said:


  On 21/10/2016 at 22:48, ginger beard said:

some people pull into gate ways and shine over the gate then throw the dog out,then move on to the next gate way.those people are lazy down syndrome plebs.if you have 1000's of acres with no hedges then i can see the point but around here you'd struggle to drive over some of the land.

you get nothing throwing dogs over gates when you gate lamp you spot them stop and get in the field and call that's how you do it


however you do it you won't convince me.i can see how you could get good numbers doing it very early season but if there lamp shy by the time you've parked and got out they'll be nowhere near where you 1st put the lamp on them.where as if your walking you could slip straight away.

Edited by ginger beard
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My mate used to do a bit of bone setting,manipulation,etc and the worst worn out joints he ever seen was on some young bull/crosses that were only ever lamped out the motor, he reckoned running them cold,jumping out then jumping over the hedge to get on terms destroyed their joints,when walking the fields the dogs joints are being warmed up and lubricated ready for work,so you may find your working dogs life is shortened by running out the motor, WM

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I do both walking & Driving. I was always against driving around the fields but before i had my knees done didnt have much option. I run dogs along side truck no headlights just lamp. I very soon noticed that i was getting a fee runs in fields where i was only ever seeing the arse end of rbts as they hopped into hedges/cover etc. Although i personaly prefer to walk while lamping in certain areas its very benificial to drive. Atb

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Used to go out with a lad that had a few thousand acres -the only way to get around it all was in a motor...personally never seen dogs run as much gear, toothed or hooved as much as he would put infront of them...It didn't last mind when others just started tipping up and started driving through gates robbing the farms for fuel and anything lying around.shame as we had many a good night on the lamp and days out digging there .closest place to heaven I think i'll ever of got.now it's hotter than a jacket potato lol.atb dc

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You ever wanna test a dog properly out of a motor is the best way couple of stingers one after the other and you know what your feeding. There's places here you could jack a good dog if you slipped on everything you see. Only people I know that don't like driving the land is farmers and rabbit Lampers. There's a few on here that I go out with and they know when I say we're out in the jeep there dogs gotta be fit n ready can do these sort of numbers in an hour or 2

Edited by C.green
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  On 21/10/2016 at 21:46, ginger beard said:

never lamped from a motor i don't think it's the done thing.i would have thought a pair of head lights and the sound of the engine will push game away.game soon gets lamp shy walking the land but it's a alot more obvious your coming in a motor.

Most animals are naturally scared of footsteps and the smell of dogs and people not motors, would you see so many deer along road sides etc if they were their scared of cars.

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  On 22/10/2016 at 16:20, j1985 said:


  On 21/10/2016 at 21:46, ginger beard said:

never lamped from a motor i don't think it's the done thing.i would have thought a pair of head lights and the sound of the engine will push game away.game soon gets lamp shy walking the land but it's a alot more obvious your coming in a motor.

Most animals are naturally scared of footsteps and the smell of dogs and people not motors, would you see so many deer along road sides etc if they were their scared of cars.


But would they not start fearing motors afther dogs start getting fooked out windows at them.

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  On 22/10/2016 at 17:05, peterhunter86 said:


  On 22/10/2016 at 16:20, j1985 said:


  On 21/10/2016 at 21:46, ginger beard said:

never lamped from a motor i don't think it's the done thing.i would have thought a pair of head lights and the sound of the engine will push game away.game soon gets lamp shy walking the land but it's a alot more obvious your coming in a motor.

Most animals are naturally scared of footsteps and the smell of dogs and people not motors, would you see so many deer along road sides etc if they were their scared of cars.


But would they not start fearing motors afther dogs start getting fooked out windows at them.


they'll soon learn.

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Some times you dont need to show the dogs things. I have a Saluki bitch who as with most dogs in a car scans the terrain as we drive along the road, She always commandeers the front passenger seat if no one is occupying it. she can spot a fieldmouse . if I stop and the windows down she goes ou tof the window runs what ever she has spotted and caught or not she comes back through the open window she picked this trick up years ago herself and does it given the opportunity. I personally never drive the land but know lads who do but usually they are after bigger stuff and on the lamp thats their game so who am I to judge them but in the same instance Farmers and land owners are justified not wanting or allowing lads on their land with or without dogs even for shooting when a small group take the piss ruining crops smashing hedge rows fences and gates .

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